AOL Warez · October 22, 2014 3


2014-10-22 13_29_43-1264410_10105281608895370_5920015541346424548_o - Windows Photo Viewer

AOL Warez Group UPS – Celebrating 3 Years of AOL Dominance!

United Pirating Services!

Macro created by X99.


“Found this on a blog below:”

History of UPS: Me and a friend of mine started it at my apartment in 1992 back then it was TeRL(me) and DeathWish and WeaponX the scene has changed so much since then. I still attribute my love of computers and everything i am today with my childhood of growing up on AOL. Side note the best warez i ever got off of AOL was windows 95 April Test release.. 🙂 for those of you that remeber that 9600baud 115MB hell of a download.