Wired – Cracker launches attack on NASA. – November 23, 1999

Wired – Cracker launches attack on NASA. – November 23, 1999

The Web pages of three US Government agencies, including NASA's Goddard Flight Center, have been defaced by a cracker who is worried that US government security systems are vulnerable to cyberattack. The front pages of the sites for NASA's Goddard Flight Center international page, the Bureau of Land Management's National Training Center, and the Defense Contracts Audit Agency, on Wednesday were replaced with a page showing a cartoon of…
CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

(IDG) -- After repeated break-ins through the same door, a shaken business owner likely would get the message and buy a sturdy lock, a big dog or a loud alarm. But many agencies have failed to follow such common sense. Repeated intrusions of federal World Wide Web sites reveal that agencies are not adequately training their IT sentries to take advantage of readily available systems…
The AOL Protocol

The AOL Protocol

The AOL Protocol

When you hear the phrase “The AOL Protocol”, I bet most of you immediately think of FDO, right?
Although FDO is a part of the AOL protocol, it in no way encompasses the big picture. When I use
the term “The AOL protocol”, I refer to how the AOL client and server interact with each other,
how data is prepared, how it is sent, and how it can be manipulated.

There currently exists no formal documentation of the AOL protocol, or at least one that is
publicly available. For this reason, I have taken it upon myself to strip the bits of
information from my feeble mind and write a document with at least basic information about
the AOL protocol. The information included in this document is what I have learned, from
exploration, help from others, and just stumbling upon it. I in no way guarantee the accuracy
of the information contained herein. That said, here is what I know.

Exploring Historical & Emerging Phishing Techniques

Exploring Historical & Emerging Phishing Techniques

International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.5, No.4, July 2013
DOI : 10.5121/ijnsa.2013.5402 23

Marc A. Rader1 and Syed (Shawon) M. Rahman2, *
1CapellaUniversity, Minneapolis, MN, USA and Associate Faculty, Cochise CollegeAZ, USA
Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Hawaii-Hilo, Hawaii,
USA and Part-time Faculty at Capella University, Minneapolis, USA
Organizations invest heavily in technical controls for their Information Assurance (IA) infrastructure.
These technical controls mitigate and reduce the risk of damage caused by outsider attacks. Most
organizations rely on training to mitigate and reduce risk of non-technical attacks such as social
engineering. Organizations lump IA training into small modules that personnel typically rush through
because the training programs lack enough depth and creativity to keep a trainee engaged. The key to
retaining knowledge is making the information memorable. This paper describes common and emerging
attack vectors and how to lower and mitigate the associated risks.
Security Risks, Phishing, Social Engineering, Cross Site Scripting, Emerging Attack Vectors, DNS poising.
Phishing is a social engineering technique that is used to bypass technical controls implemented
to mitigate security risks in information systems. People are the weakest link in any security
program. Phishing capitalizes on this weakness and exploits human nature in order to gain access
to a system or to defraud a person of their assets.

Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome Breach

Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome Breach


Secret-spilling site Cryptome was hacked over the weekend, possibly exposing the identities of whistleblowers and other confidential sources, according to a hacker who contacted Wired.com and claimed responsibility for the breach.

The hacker said two intruders from the group Kryogeniks breached the long-running site, where they gained access to a repository of secret files and correspondence. Among them, the hacker claimed, were the records of self-proclaimed WikiLeaks insiders who have been the source of several unconfirmed tips supposedly detailing internal WikiLeaks matters.

Adrian Lamo and FBI Cyber Squad computer scientist Russell Handorf

Adrian Lamo and FBI Cyber Squad computer scientist Russell Handorf

10/18/12 Update: 2006 posting at forum – where Russell Handorf still contributes using his “grey hat hacker” handle “satanklawz” – suggests he has been working for FBI three years earlier than his resume claims; Adrian Lamo admits being “friends” with Handorf but still won’t answer any real questions; Chet Uber offers to have Lamo “interview” me – Neal Rauhauser, who claims he has nothing to do with Project Vigilant, suggests I should accept offer – which I will, after they start giving serious answers to my serious questions first; Project Vigilant submitted bid for Voice Stress Analyzer request by BoP to detect if inmates are lying.

Highlights: At college, Russell Handorf used to illegally “sniff” networks for free web access; Decade ago, hosted Adrian Lamo website where he used to be known as “satanklawz”; Defended Lamo online in web forum postings; In 2003, wrote that fugitive Lamo’s enemies might DoS the NY Times, attack investigators; Provided details on web on how to access potential Comcast customers’ private info; Wrote “Fear Not: Hacks, Attacks and Cracks” column; After Philadelphia InfraGard Board of Directors gig, former “grey hat hacker” joined FBI in September of 2009.

[Editor’s Note: Before publishing this article I emailed both Russell Handorf and Adrian Lamo to ask them questions about their past and possibly present relationship, but neither one got back to me. I’ll gladly correct any errors or add comments if they change their minds. My last two articles provide more background on Adrian Lamo, Neal Rauhauser, Project Vigilant and the Bradley Manning case: Bradley Manning Facebook friend was a security and risk management expert and More members from secretive, oddball Project Vigilant group revealed. Article by Ron Brynaert]

The following screenshot was the front page for a website owned by a “Grey Hat hacker” who the FBI hired to be a computer scientist for its Philadelphia Cyber Squad in 2009:
