Virus TXTs · December 13, 2014 0

Crimson Box Plans



The Crimson Box is very simple device that will allow you to put someone
on hold or make your fone busy with a large amount of ease. You flip a switch
and the person can’t hear you talking. Flip it back and everything is peachy.

MATERIALS: >-:->> 100 ohm or less resistor
>-:->> SPDT toggle switch, On-Off
>-:->> Solder and soldering iron
>-:->> 3 feet of good wire
>-:->> Wire cutters


First I will give you the schematic and then I will explain what the hell
is going on.

———–black wire on line———
——–+ red wire on line +——
——–:–+/\/\/-green wire—:——
——–:–:-yellow wire——-:——
: : :
+–:——+ :
+—-+ : +———-+
: : :
1 2 3

Ok. The ‘/\/\/’ is the resistor. And ‘1 2 3’ is the switch where the
numbers are the poles on the switch. Notice you leave the black and yellow
wires alone. You DO NOT cut them!

Strip the red and green wires so you’ve got about an inch of bare wire.
Solder some of the extra wire and follow the schematic. You should have the
resistor on the green wire with an extra piece of wire coming from one leg of
it. The other leg goes to the other end of the green wire. You should solder
the green wire to the left pole of the switch and the red to the middle and
the other end of the red to the right pole.

Now, lift up the fone. If all you get is an annoying buzz then throw the
switch and you should get a dial tone. If not, don’t worry and just follow
the instructions and schematic again.