1998 America Online Tokens

****America Online Tokens****

(adapted from token_list)
(This document must have attribute viewrule_151. For further assistance contact OpsSec)

gv All casino games special tokens casino NU
$A Add product to shopping cart clerk NU
$B Request billing information clerk
$C Begin checkout process clerk
$D Delete product from cart clerk
$F Request clerk form w/pop clerk
$I Show store information clerk
$L List items in shopping cart clerk NU
$M Get billing method clerk
$P Show product desc clerk NU
$S Request shipping information clerk
$V View product from cart clerk
$b Process internal billing info clerk
$d Delete product from cart clerk
$f Request clerk form clerk

$E modify_cart_entry clerk2
$G get_product(ext id appd to ft 1) clerk2 NU
$Q process quantity clerk2
$R retrieve_product(int_id=hard_cod clerk2 NU
$a add_store clerk2
$c display_cart clerk2
$e delete_entry_from_cart clerk2
$g request_store_id(ext_id) clerk2 NU
$h process_store_id(ext_id) clerk2
$i process_internal_bill clerk2
$j return_to_product_summary clerk2
$k process_checkout clerk2
$l process_list_option clerk2
$m modify_store clerk2
$n remove_from_cart_screen clerk2
$o display_product_option clerk2
$p display_product_summary clerk2
$r process_radio_option clerk2
$s display_about_this_store clerk2
$t process_text_option clerk2
$u copy from_bill_to clerk2
$v process_ship_to clerk2
$w delete_store clerk2
$x request_cc_info clerk2
$y process_cc_info clerk2
$z process_bill_to clerk2

$W enter promotional area clerk_special NU
$X specify machine type clerk_special
$Y specify product choice clerk_special
$Z provide shipping info clerk_special
dM Set domain – message board collector
eT Start mail text entry collector NU

C1 Request collection contents collman
C2 Request more collection contents collman
C3 Request lastest stories collman
C4 Sign up for Live Wire collman NU
C5 Cancel LiveWire registration collman
C6 Reset collman domain collman
C7 Show “where” info collman
Ct Get indexed coll w/atoms collman

Ca Request collection contents collman2 NU
Cb Request more collection contents collman2
Cc Request latest stories collman2
Cd Sign up for Live Wire collman2 NU
Ce Cancel LiveWire registration collman2
Cf Reset collman2 domain collman2
Cg Open Coll info for Edit collman2 NU
Ch Modify Coll info collman2
Ci Act on named collection collman2 NU
Cj Convert Overwrite Confirm collman2
Ck Send collman form collman2
Cm Display item for edit collman2
Cn Cut item from collection collman2
Co Copy item from collection collman2
Cp Paste item (above) to collection collman2
Cq Paste item (below) to collection collman2
Cr Start add item to collection collman2
Cs Add/Update item data collman2

PPN – Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap – November 07, 1999

PPN – Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap – November 07, 1999

The Phone Punx Network Presents
–Phone Punx Magazine–
—-Issue three—-
“We are the phony in telephony”
November 07, 1999
Last Updated: November 07, 1999
(Mirror: http://worship.to/ppn)


~Intro by Mohawk

~Beginners Guide to the DACS, Part One by BitError

~CallerID: Up close and Personal by hatredonalog

~DATUs – The Tool of the New Age Phreak: Part II by MMX

~Frequency Counters by Black Axe

~An Overview of Trunked Radio Systems by Black Axe

~A different newbie guide by Mohawk

~Notes on ANI by Suess

~Voice Over IP Surveillance with the TTC Fireberd 500 DNA.323 by Seuss

~Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap

~Cyberpunk culture by Mohawk


CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

(IDG) -- After repeated break-ins through the same door, a shaken business owner likely would get the message and buy a sturdy lock, a big dog or a loud alarm. But many agencies have failed to follow such common sense. Repeated intrusions of federal World Wide Web sites reveal that agencies are not adequately training their IT sentries to take advantage of readily available systems…
Dallas Morning News – Hackers Expected to Test Computer Security. – December 29, 1999

Dallas Morning News – Hackers Expected to Test Computer Security. – December 29, 1999

Dec. 29 (The Dallas Morning News/KRTBN)--While Y2K wary Americans ring in the New Year with champagne and flashlights, computer hackers are set to celebrate with what security experts fear will be an unprecedented assault on computer systems across the globe. The potential assault, as described by hackers and federal law enforcement officials, is likely to include cybermischief as elemental as website defacement or the planting…

MR Tokens

The following numbers are MR tokens for use with AOL. If you have the right equipment (which many don’t), you can use these to go directly to a conference room. Some of these tokens lead to staff-only rooms, however, these can STILL be accessed by non-staff.

1    Town Hall

3    Classroom

4    The OGF Commons

5    Writers Workshop

6-8  Classroom

9    Geoworks Chat Room

10   Classroom

11   The Schoolroom

12   Chat Room

13   PC Multimedia

14   The Work Room

15   Educ Technology

16   PC Applications

17   PC Games

18   Questions n Answers

19   PC Graphics

20   The Dungeon

21   Cybersalon

22   Travel Cafe


Cow Pasture #2

Cow Pasture #2

FuCkeRH0sT: *** You are in “Cow Pasture”. ***
HoSSxMaN8: Hello all.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Hey HoSSxMan!!
Guide KJL: Zzzz…I don’t know about that…
FuCkeRH0sT: KiLL4SSA1 has entered the room.
Guide KJL: it’s not my department.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Do ya’ll really meet in WhoviIIi?
HoSSxMaN8: Who has a gateway?
Guide KJL: Pomp…cuz we like this room!
WwABBawW: guide you can TOS some1 yourself right?
HoSSxMaN8: What about Padde Ceii
FuCkeRH0sT: BaLLa r0x has entered the room.
ZzzZvvVVVv: becuase there were so many people in here before
HoSSxMaN8: BaLLa..SuP

The AOL Protocol

The AOL Protocol

The AOL Protocol

When you hear the phrase “The AOL Protocol”, I bet most of you immediately think of FDO, right?
Although FDO is a part of the AOL protocol, it in no way encompasses the big picture. When I use
the term “The AOL protocol”, I refer to how the AOL client and server interact with each other,
how data is prepared, how it is sent, and how it can be manipulated.

There currently exists no formal documentation of the AOL protocol, or at least one that is
publicly available. For this reason, I have taken it upon myself to strip the bits of
information from my feeble mind and write a document with at least basic information about
the AOL protocol. The information included in this document is what I have learned, from
exploration, help from others, and just stumbling upon it. I in no way guarantee the accuracy
of the information contained herein. That said, here is what I know.

From O0O of AOL-Files

I found this old post from O0O of the old AOL-Files.com site posting this on DigitalGangster.com


Join Date:  Apr 2007
Location:  NYC
Posts:  1,428


its funny how 12-14 years later people remember things so much differently than what you remember. Many of the names here I haven’t seen since bouncing around the PRs in the late `90s. Many of you remember the “leet” SN jackers/suspenders and the progger types….or guys like Kali that cracked OHs to scroll for hours on end…


I have a very different perspective, I spent most of my time on IRC or in PRs that many in the scene didn’t know about like “leo9” and “atomdrop”.


We had some very smart people in the scene back then, many of them went on to be very successful over the past 12 years….a couple of them I’m glad to still be able to talk to/work with IRL. Some ended up in jail or are dead now. There was a lot of crazy shit going on behind the scenes that kept the scene moving forward, even though there were a couple thousand of us and only some spoke to each other, we were still all tied together through the exploits and programs that a small cadre of really smart dudes figured out and built for others.

Sub 7 2.1.5 [Read Me]

..::MAXIMIZE & TURN ON WORD WRAP::.. ======================== - Sub 7 2.1.5 - - coded by mobman - _ ReaDMe/Tutorial _ - by FuX0reD - [ http://www.sub7.net ] ======================== Intro: In this tutorial I, FuX0reD, will try to do as much hand-holding and will try to be as THOROUGH as possible, AND IT WILL BE IN PLAIN ENGLISH (for those people who dont know, or dislike…