accom2 [Read Me]

[ac²] a-c chat commands² by fifa
[ac²] new and improved
[ac²] 150+ ops

alright, now, i know you all looooved a-c chat commands version1 ;P, but
i thought that it rather, uhm, sucked! so, i re-did basically everything
and i added a hella lot more ops, almost double that of version1, i think
that you will really enjoy this prog. it is prob one of the best c-com’s
on aol right now, so enjoy, the commands are listed below, not in order.
Enjoy. contact me at AIM: Jayson090, E-Mail:

-cuss [sn] : bitch out the sn
-omg : oh my god
-imfifa : im fifa
-hot : say that they are hot
-catwatch : watch for catwatch
-heart [sn] : im a heart macro
-arrow [text] : arrow talker
-build : a-c version
-ghostoff : stop ghosting
-ghoston : start ghosting
-dictionary : open dictionary
-spam [descrip, site] : spam room
-scan [file] : pws scanner
-v [text] : a cool talker
-space [text] : space talker
-hacker [text] : hacker talker
-elite [text] : elite talker
-dot [text] : dot talker
-backwrds [text] : backwards talker
-mm : open mass mailer
-deathoff : death bot off
-deathon : death bot on
-sh : server helper
-mix [text] : mix b and u together
-u [text] : like b, but underline”
-b [text] : cool, check out
-sfaces : scroll all the faces
-smile : smile
-newbie : say ”he’s a newbie”
-aocap : change AOL
-hump [sn] : hump someone
-rape [sn] : rape someone
-screw [sn] : screw someone
-sup : say sup to the room
-bodyoff : body bot off
-bodyon : body bot on
-$$$ : show me da money!
-jk : say you’re just kidding
-handle : scroll your handle
-mlink [sn, site] : mail link
-wavy [text] : wavy text
-rmannoy : annoy room
-mlroom [msg] : mail room
-:x : scroll 😡
-;] : scroll ;], [;
-decode [sn] : name decoder
-lame [sn] : tell some1 they are lame
-dna : sweet ass scroll
-sorry [sn] : tell some1 you’re sorry
-wtf : what the fuck
-fm : flash mail
-sm : open sent mail
-om : open old mail
-nm : open new mail
-killims : close all ims
-term [sn] : tos a sn
-scary : scary story
-later [sn] : say bye to a sn
-drugoff : drug bot off
-drugon : drug bot on
-thanks [sn] : say thanks
-merror [sn] : mail error
-8balloff: turn 8ball bot off
-8ballon : turn 8ball bot on
-lookip : get YOUR ip number(mini)
-fu [sn] : say fuck you
-contact : contacting fifa…
-lame : tell the room that it’s lame
-imb [sn] : im bomb
-clink [web-site] : chat link
-cool [sn] : tell some1 dat was cool
-sent [sn] : tell sn you sent mail
-rmrntr : room re-enter
-rmname : say room name
-tnd : time and date
-mail [sn, msg] : send a mail
-mk3 : the best of the kills
-mk2 : another macro kill
-mk : macro kill
-xwrdoff : turn it off
-xwrd [word] : auto-x on word
-ctroom : counts people in room
-pw : change your pw
-getp [sn] : get profile
-open [file] : open a file(minimized)
-memdir : view member directory
-imroff : im respond off
-imr [msg] : im respond on
-aolg : goto aol’s gamecenter
-nolol : say not funny
-??? : say you don’t understand
-cnote: clear note
-view : view note
-note [msg] : record note
-netfind : aol netfind
-mextras : mail extras
-lol [sn] : personal lol
-imlink [sn, site] : im link
-st [text] : sends text with a line
-kw [keyword] : goto kw
-alive [sn] : alive check
-att [text] : attention
-cim [sn] : check ims
-antiterm [sn] : TOSer protect
-lobby : goto lobby
-massim [msg] : room
-ops? : how many ops
-unimx [sn] : im unignore
-imx [sn] : im ignore
-scroll [text] : scroller
-ic : i seeee…
-jp : just playing
-bye : say bye…
-hi [sn] : say hi!
-mlagg [sn] : mail lagg sn
-instakiss : check it out…
-gtfo [sn] : get the fuck out!
-hack [sn] : hack someone
-donut [sn] : give a donut
-cookie [sn] : give a cookie
-punch [sn] : punch someone
-lick [sn] : lick someone
-kick [sn] : kick someone
-hug [sn] : hug someone
-stfu [sn] : says stfu
-kiss [sn] : kiss somebody
-boring : boring room
-yawn : say you’re tired
-wb [sn] : welcome back
-back : turn off afk
-afk [reason] : afk bot
-end : exit a-c
-greets : scroll greets
-info : gives prog info
-brb : tell the room you’ll brb
-unx [sn] : unignore someone
-x [sn] : ignore someone
-im [sn],[msg] : explains itself
-pr [room] : enter priv. room
-lmao : laugh your ass off!
-rofl : laugh…
-lol : laugh out loud!
-hide : hides commands
-adv : advertise
-commands : commands
-imsoff : turn ims off
-imson : turn ims on
-new : count new mail
-old : count old mail
-sent : count sent mail
-flash : count flashmail


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