WinShell v5.0

WinShell v5.0 £­ A finished telnet server for windows

Author : janker

WinShell was a telnet server for windows platform. Main program was just a 5k bytes stand-alone executable file, Could run stably without any third dll, Although it was so thin, it had many of functions, such as custom port, password protect, muti-user logon, NT Service mode, download file£¬user-defined message, special anti-ddos and etc. Detail to see the following:

ACK Tunneling Trojans

ACK Tunneling Trojans

– Arne Vidstrom,

Trojans normally use ordinary TCP or UDP communication between their client and server parts. Any firewall between the attacker and the victim that blocks incoming traffic will usually stop all trojans from working. ICMP tunneling has existed for quite some time now, but if you block ICMP in the firewall you’ll be safe from that. This paper describes another concept, that I call ACK Tunneling. ACK Tunneling works through firewalls that don’t apply their rule sets on TCP ACK segments (ordinary packet filters belong to this class of firewalls).

Stealth Proxy

Stealth Proxy for Windows 95/98/NT/2000

OK. Neccesity is the mother of invention and this was something I needed a while back and finally got around to making. Basically, it’s a SOCKS 4/5 proxy server that runs in the background with no obvious signs that it’s doing so. The idea is, if you have access to a machine and want do ‘stuff’ anonymously and don’t trust public ‘anonymous’ proxy servers this might be for you.

NetCat 2.0

Serve Cmd
This program is based off of netcat(thanks to Hobbit). This program allows multiple connections while netcat only allows one and is a bit easier to use. Run this program on any NT machine to open a remote shell on any port You can start the program hidden (/h) and also assign it what port to listen on(default is 2323). Type “srvcmd.exe /?” for help. Once the program is listening telnet into the computer on that port and you have a shell(cmd) environment waiting for you. The shell will have the same permissions as the user who started the program. If the shell is started with administrator access, you can do things like add users via the net command:

MiniCommand v1.3a

MiniCommand v1.3a —– First BETA

A tHing clone 😉 tHing is written by BLADE
The tHing and miniCommand v1.3a servers are written in win32 ASM!

The server can be compressed AFTER you configure it. I get it down to
4 kb with upx !!

FTP Trojan

// Introduction

OK, this is just a little re-packaging of ‘RuX UPLOADER’ with a few
modifications to the batch file for clarity and so that the victim
can’t see any ftp activity once the uploader is run. Also, I have
included COM2EXE to convert the COM file created by BAT2COM into an
EXE file and a batch file to automate the process. If you want to
read the original readme, I’ve included it as readme.old.

FPipe v2.1

FPipe v2.1 – Port redirector.
Copyright 2000 (c) by Foundstone, Inc.

FPipe is a source port forwarder/redirector. It can create a TCP or UDP stream
with a source port of your choice. This is useful for getting past firewalls
that allow traffic with source ports of say 23, to connect with internal

Visual Basic Script Exe Creator

Visual Basic Script Exe Creator

What is does?
Store binary code inside of a visual basic script. Store an executable
inside of a visual basic script. Then when the vbs script is executed,
it will create the executable, and execute it. Executing it is optional.
You can also edit the vbs file and put other things inside. So, the vbs
file carries your executable. This could be useful. Find a good program that
you want stored in a vbs file. The vbs file will be a vbs file and also
carry the executable, no one can notice. Also, the exe should be small,
very small or else the vb script won’t be able to create the binary file.

Sub 7 2.1.5 [Read Me]

..::MAXIMIZE & TURN ON WORD WRAP::.. ======================== - Sub 7 2.1.5 - - coded by mobman - _ ReaDMe/Tutorial _ - by FuX0reD - [ ] ======================== Intro: In this tutorial I, FuX0reD, will try to do as much hand-holding and will try to be as THOROUGH as possible, AND IT WILL BE IN PLAIN ENGLISH (for those people who dont know, or dislike…

TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description


TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description By Ankit Fadia

TCP\IP or Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol is a stack or collection of various protocols. A
protocol is basically the commands or instructions using which two computers within a local network or the
Internet can exchange data or information and resources.

Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol or the TCP\IP was developed around the time of the
ARPAnet. It is also known as the Protocol Suite. It consists of various protocols but as the TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) and the IP (Internet Protocol) are the most, well known of the suite of
protocols, the entire family or suite is called the TCP\IP suite.

The TCP\ IP Suite is a stacked suite with various layers stacked on each other, each layer looking after one
aspect of the data transfer. Data is transferred from one layer to the other. The Entire TCP\ IP suite can be
broken down into the below layers-: