Website:  Pranks2k

Website: Pranks2k

The Pranks2k Website was first created in in May of 2000 by Fr0g and Coby. Coby and Fr0g had both enjoyed doing prank phone calls so decided to make a website posting them so others could hear them also. Pranks2k X is the newest version of Pranks2k. With this being the 4th version of Pranks2k we hope to expand it and get a wider audience.…

  About name: mike handle: xide birthdate: 08.30.79 age: 21 location: columbus, ohio car: 1992 acura integra click here to view it nationality: greek favorite color: blue and gray dating status: single and accepting applications! so email me! computers: i have a total of 3 right now... 1) Sony Vaio 866 mhz pentium III, 40 gig hard drive, 390mb ram, CD-RW, DVD, Voodoo 5 graphics…

Nemisis AIM Members Nemisis Steve Seek Xak Pc NeoN plaztick   Contact Info E-Mail: AIM: xNemisisx2 Yahoo: xNemisisx

represent the almighty whitey cracker high ponce family history i was born on august 23, 1982 in the pimpin' socal town of la mirada, california (where, coincidentally, they made teenage mutant ninja turtle toys). i didn't hang around there for too long because my pops hated the area and wanted to head back to his home state, colorado. when i was 4, we moved from…

I am Zach Springer. Through my studies I have evolved and retracted many of my beliefs I once held as true. Like many artists I find that the only true existance is existance through creation and expression. I present my reality in forms for others to see and experiance however they see fit. As of right now I am working very hard on my portfolio…

  AOL: Xakism | AIM: ZAKS E-Mail: About Name: Zak Handle: Xak - Pronounced as "Zak" Age: 15 Grade: 10th Height: 5' 10" Hair: Brown - Dyed Black Eyes: Brown Pictures: 1 | 2 Sibling: Younger Sister Loves: Nicole! Hobbies: Nicole, Music, Computers, Friends, Movies, Learning To Skateboard, Poetry, Fire, and... Trouble! Best Friends: Nicole, Matt, Shauna, Brian, Tina, Matt, Matt. No specific order... Click Here for shouts. Skills: HTML, JavaScript, PHP,…