Doly Trojan v1.6

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by : -//\-=[|)=-//\/\-
Version 1.6

Released: 8/30/1999


|–Bug Fixed
| 1- ALL of the bugs in version 1.5 have been fixed
| 1- **Internal File Manager** (No need for external FTP program)
| 2- Password on victims option (Password will be deleted if victim wont be connected by anyone in 4 days)
| 3- ** ICQ PASSWORD DISCOVER ** (If someone has icq you have his password 🙂
| 4- Better Screen Capture System (You can now control the image quality)
| 5- **NEW APPZ RUNNING SYSTEM** ( Features Include: Get active windows, Close window, Set window to be active and set | window to be ontop )
| 6- Message Manager (Send customized Messages to your victim)
| 7- Shell Spy (View in real time on which window the mouse is on)
| 9- Change Hard Disk Label
| 10- Computer Running Time
| 11- More info on victim is now available


* About
| Doly Trojan is a program which allows you to control other people’s
| computers by the Internet. This kind of program calls “Backdoor Trojan”.
| Doly Trojan 1.6 includes more then 60 commands which allow you to do almost everything
| you want with the “victim’s” computer. This readme will help you to
| understand how to install and use the Doly Trojan.
| Doly Trojan main programer: A-D-M
| Doly Trojan Site Builder & Webmaster: dr_NUKeM
| Special Thanks: -=HeLLfiReZ=- and SPYDIR


* Installation
|–General Information
| After you have downloaded the Doly Trojan ZIP file you are ready to install
| both Client Program and Server Program. From the Client Program you will
| control the victim which installed the Server Program. In other words
| don’t install the Server Program on your program, Just install the Client
| Program inside you computer and send the Server Program to someone you
| want to connect to.
—–Step 1 (Installing the Client)
| After you have downloaded the Doly Trojan ZIP File, Open it. In the file
| you will find 2 other files, 1 calls Doly.exe and the other file calls setup.exe will be
| inside a sub directory calls “Send to victim”. First you should install
| the Client. The installation is very simple. The only thing you need
| to do is extarcting the Doly.exe file to anywhere you want and excute
| it. After you’ll do it you will see an ordinery setup program running
| and all what you’ll have to do is to choose the directory which you want
| to install the Client to and it will install all the neccecery files +
| it will add a shortcut inside your Start Menu calls “Doly Trojan”.
|———Step 2 (Installing the server and connect to someone)
| Thats it, You have successfully installed the client inside your computer
| and you want to connect to someone and have some fun :). To do this
| you’ll need to do the next: First, extarct the setup.exe inside the “Send to Victim”
| directory. After you have done it all what you need to do is to send
| this file to someone. If you sent it to someone it still doesnt say
| you can connect to him, You will be able connecting him only if he will
| excute the setup.exe. For that you can change the name of the file to
| every other name you want (Like sexgame.exe).
|—————–Step 3 (Connecting to someone)
| You have sent the file to your friend and you know he excuted it. Well,
| you are ready ! The only thing you need to do is to run the Client,
| insert the IP ADDRESS of your friend inside the white line in the right
| menu and press the Connect Buttom. After that… 🙂

* The Doly Trojan Features
|–Feature list and info
|1 Connect: Connect to the victim’s computer (You can connect to him only if he had installed the server)
|2 Disconnect: Disconnect from the victim’s computer
|3 Port Scanner: Use this tool to scan IP Adresses to see if they are infected with Doly Trojan
|4 Close client server: Close the Doly Trojan server (The server will be active again when the victim will restart his computer)
|5 Remove client server: Remove the Doly Trojan server from the victim’s computer (You wont be able to connect to him if he wont run the setup again)
|6 Disable the double mouse’s double click: Disable the victim’s mouse’s double click (He wont be able to open anything with his by his mouse)
|7 Remove desktop backround: Remove the backround image from the victim’s Desktop
|8 Set system colors: Change the victim’s system colors to Black
|9 Hide teskbar: Hide the victim’s taskbar (He wont see his open applications)
|10 Show teskbar: Bring back the victim’s taskbar
|11 FBI Screen: This will show on the victim’s screen a cool image that he wont be able to remove untill he will make reset
|12 Mouse swape: Swape the victim’s mouse left click to right click and the right click to the left click (Very annoying)
|13 Mouse unswape: Bring back the victim’s mouse clicks to the original condition
|14 Disconnect: Disconnect the victim’s computer from the Internet
|15 Move mouse to max point: Move the victim’s mouse pointer to the buttom right side of the screen
|16 Change the tittle color to a random color: Change all the open applications titles to a different color every time you click on the button
|17 Sleep: Make the victim’s computer go to “sleep” mode (Works only on Pentium 2 computers)
|18 Change the resolution to 640/480: Change the victim’s screen resolution to 640/480
|19 Appz running: View all the applications and tesks that are running in the victim’s computer
|20 Open ftp: Turn the victim’s computer into a FTP site with FULL access to all of his files (After you press on this button open your ftp program, insert your victim’s IP address, put port number 1012 user: Doly and password: 0wn3d and you are ready to connect to his computer)
|21 Close ftp: Turn off the FULL access FTP site on the victim’s computer (You will be able to connect to his computer by FTP if you’ll press the Open FTP button again)
|22 Open CD: Open the victim’s CD-ROM drive
|23 Close CD: Close the victim’s CD-ROM drive
|24 Max-volume: Set the victim’s volume level to maximum
|25 Min-volume: Set the victim’s volume level to minimum
|26 Show error screen: This will gradually fill the victim’s screen with little error messages (If you wont stop it it will fill all of his screen)
|27 Stop error screen: Stop filling the victim’s screen with the error messages (Will delete all the messages that had already been on his screen)
|28 Close windows: Close the victim’s windows and restart his computer
|29 Format: Format the victim’s Hard Drive (This will format drive c:)
|30 Password: Discover the victim’s ISP UserName, Password and Dial Up Number (This will work only if the victim use the “Save Password” option)
|31 Run program: Run any program from the victim’s computer (You should type the full directory of the program)
|32 Run program: The same command as Run program but this will run the program hiden (The victim wont see the program is running)
|33 Fatal error with msg: Make a fatal error with a msg from you in the victim’s windows (Will also close his server so you will only be able to connect to the victims when he will reboot his computer again)
|34 Sets all windows names: Change all the titles of the running applications to whatever you want
|35 Sets the computer name: Change the victim’s computer name to whatever you want
|36 Send to URL: Send your victim to any URL you type in the text browse (If his browser isnt open it will open it automatically)
|37 Change owner name: Change the victim’s Windows owner and organization name to whatever you want
|38 ICQ UIN: Discover the victim’s ICQ UIN Number (If the victim doesnt have ICQ the number that will be 0)
|39 Stuck mouse in max point: This will move the victim’s mouse to the buttom left side of the screen every 0.0001 seconds (EXTREMLY ANNOYING 😉
|40 Unstuck the mouse: This will bring back the victim’s mouse to its original position and cancel the stuck mouse in max point.
|41 Auto connect to IRC: Every infected computer will automaticly connect to the IRC. The server is and the channel is #dolyt . Now you can know who are the infected computers without the port scanner.
|42 Key Logger: A great key logger that identify all the keys (Including “Enter”)
|43 D.I.R.C.F: This new feature will let you to find our all the Infected people IP address with no need of any irc program (D.I.R.C.F comes built in with the new version)
|44 Multi Connection: Now you wont have problems connecting to people because someone had already connected before you. Doly Trojan server is now support multi connetion
|45 Look above for the new features added it Doly Trojan version 1.5
|46 Hide/Show desktop (Remove all desktop icons and disable it)
|47 Hide/Show all the drivers from the drivers list
|48 Hide/Show the Run Tab in the Start Menu
|49 Hide/Show the Find Tab in the Start Menu
|50 Start/Stop Crazy Mouse
|51 Show Clipboard
|52 Change Clipboard
|53 Clear Clipboard
|54 Screen Capture
|55 New user info and password finder
|56 Chat with user
|57 Multi connection up to 34 users !

* Contact Us
|– E-mail:
|—- ICQ: A-D-M: N\A For Public dr_NUKeM: 3361931
* Visit the Doly Trojan Home Page: *
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by : -//\-=[|)=-//\/\-



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