Posted inOther Miss these days… November 29, 20161 When we thought we had it all… Windows 98 566MHz.. Post navigation Previous Post ChipchatNext PostDOOM
Andrew November 29, 2016, 12:29 pm Sigh… Windows maybe be more stable nowadays, but the 9x days were a lot more fun I remember when I moved from my 200mhz Pentium 32mb HP Pavilion 8140 to a 600mhz Pentium 3 PC… it was like night and day..
Sigh… Windows maybe be more stable nowadays, but the 9x days were a lot more fun I remember when I moved from my 200mhz Pentium 32mb HP Pavilion 8140 to a 600mhz Pentium 3 PC… it was like night and day..