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Kilobitez was another old friend that I talked on AIM with back in March 2013 I believe. Kilo was an amazing programmer in visual basic. I recently was looking at…
Another old friend that I recently met up with is Garret aka ECW. Garret taught me a lot in Visual basic. I remember when I just starting out I would…
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Another person that seemed to fall off the grid Hazy aka Hazel Mylanno / Hazel Milanno. Her aim accounts were “Hazy, HZY, Hazie, MothersDay” that’s pretty much all I can remember.…
File from: Tuesday, November 21, 2000, 7:27:00 PM **Turn WordWrap ON** **Forgive the typos** Hacker Documentation o.o – Notes From the Author 1.o – Getting Started 1.1 – Loading Hacker…
File From: Friday, November 26, 1999, 3:06:32 PM *******************SubSeven V2.10 IRC BOT********************** Introduction Firstly one your IRC bot joins your IRC channel you have to identify to it so that…