WinError2k [Read Me]

Ok I made this in 1 and a half hours and am hoping it will be the first chat errorw with the new code that work ok well injoy tell me of any bugs this is a small prog that i just wanted to hurry and get out! This is the fixed version!! IM me at Sk8ers42o or mail me at

Ultrapunt [Read Me]

How does this work you ask you send them either of them programs and it will punt them doesnt matter which same thing different names easy to trick people i made this so people would stop asking me to make one :: Contact :: ThaPlayaFoLyfe16 This Should Work........ if not then tell me the problems   -Achilles

Timeline Punter [Read Me]

This program was written for use with AOL 9.0 and AIM 5.9+ If you have any questions email me at *Plz don't change any of the file names in this zip it might cause your copy of my program to stop working. -BrÜ  

Punt Toolz v1.0 [Read Me]

Punt Tøølz 1.0 ______________ About Program: ----------------------------------- ----> Created by SaBeR ----> Created for AOL 6.0 ----> Created to cause havoc on AOL. ----> Supreme punt is a punt that makes unlimited pop up windows of Internet Explorer and will eventually freeze the pc up unless the mofo already restarted. ----> Freeze punt is a punt that simply freezes the pc of the person and…

Punt in the 2001 [Read Me]

Name: Punt in the 2001 by: nk for: ONLY aol 6.0 made in: Visual Basic 6.0 other info: I, nk, hate punters. No way in hell would I ever make a punter unless someone asked me to. PHAT, of asked me to make him Punt in the 2001 (version 2 of Punt in the 2000) for him as a FreeProgz exclusive because turtle, the…

Orbital Chat Booter 2

<¯`·-»ørbital chat bøøter 2-back like a møtherfucker«-·´¯> \______________________________________________________/ wassup? thanks før døwnløading my updated chat bøøter aøl fixed the string, but fear nøt, a new string is used in ørbital 2 ørbital chat bøøter 2 is the ønly bøøter with cølør øps and fønt øps ørbital 2 is perfect før løbby/member røøm use, because it døesn't advertise the punt. (if yøu are gøing to…

Orbital Chat Booter [Read Me]

`-.,ørbital chat bøøter by ørbitz-readme ¯`---------------------------------- IMPORTANT: TURN YOUR CHAT SOUNDS OFF BEFORE USING! FAILURE TO DO SO WILL PUNT YOURSELF! It takes punting tø the next level. This prøgram will punt anyøne with their chat søunds turned øn. The peøple in the chatroom will get a blue errør screen. (turn øn "nøtify when members leave" and watch em' drøp) This prøgram is ideal for…

nWo Punter [Read Me]

Installation For nWo PunterWindows 95 - Wizard8C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\English.lng   ߺ5 Í Í nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTenWo)nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe Uninstall&Remove nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe Dont Do it !!!TI dont know why in the world you would want to uninstall me but FINE UNINSTALL !!!!!Fag&i hope you enjoyed UNINSTALLIN ME !!!!  ÿ e:\nwotoolz.bmp nWo Punter for…

license to kill [Read Me]

5:32PM 9/30/00 ltkoff is a brand new thing i just added so that people who could not do new user or rename host online. so this is what i i added. [license to kill - offline]. it allows you to rename host and new user reset offline. it is a very simple thing to use. the whole program, right there, is a message box. must…

IM Nuke [Read Me]

Important - 10:46 PM 6/28/98 Make sure you put the .dll and .vbx files in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM Directory. If when you run the program it says: File Not Found!, it's because you haven't added these necessary files. Enjoy the Program, Zombie P.S. - Look for my full program coming out very soon!

GRAFIX Mail Punter v1.0 [Read Me]

================================================ GRAFIX Mail Punter v1.0 by:ELiTe ================================================ Man, your lucky you got to download this! This is the phattest thing to happen to AOL 4.o punting history! This is a mail punter that actualy errors in less then 1 second! Its easy to use, just look at it and you'll find out! Also, e-mail me with any other questions or comments or if i should…