
JustinakaPaste.com is dedicated to my childhood from 1998-2005 – everything related to the AOL/AIM scene.  From AOL/AIM Progs, Exploits, Security Breaches, Hacks, Screen Names (leets, 2chars, 3chars, INTs, overheads, hosts, restricteds, indents), AOLers, AIMers, Employee Sections, AOL/AIM Articles & Tutorials, SecurID, Merlin, <M><, <><, Keyword Defacements, Old AOL Site Archives, Fallen AOL h4ckers (RIP), AOL Chat Logs, Macro Art, AOL Scam Sites, AOL Progs from C-Coms, Idlers, Punters, Termers/TOSers, Faders, Phaders, Scrollers, Gaggers, Laggers, Cloners, Phish Tanks, Servers, Antis, Xers — And much more.


Why I made this?  (Just let the scene die)

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of the AOL/AIM scene. I had a lot of content saved on my computer that I just wanted to get off my hard drive and to share with everyone before its gone. It seems everyone that I talk to or the people that come across this site say they lost their backups. Well its been almost 15+ years and hard-drives just don’t last forever.  So before the same thing happened to me, I decided to start a site with all the old AOL/AIM screenshots I had saved and that I could find.

I started a site in March 2013 which was AOLForever.com – I had to take down the site a few months later I’m assuming because it had the word “AOL” in the domain name and the content that was posted on the site. So I started justinakapaste.com also with a backup tumblr p4ste.tumblr.com (February 2014) (This tumblr was terminated around March 2014) – Every post is now also backed up to the Cloud so nothing is lost.  A lot of people including myself love the memories of the old AOL Scene; believe it or not content and images that where available on almost every site back in 1998-2005 are almost impossible to find, there’s only so much available on archive.org.

I run and update this site just to pass some time, also to reunite with old online friends who I haven’t talked with in years. The amount of feedback and traffic that this site has been getting is actually unreal. I know there’s several people out there just like me searching for the past. Out of 1000’s of prog sites that existed there’s actually only a handful left.

There’s also a lot of other people that say (Just let it die man it’s been over 15+ years)

Since AOL is pretty much dead and there’s no new content being released, I decided to create this site.  I went through and grabbed almost every image, article, video clip, program – dedicated to the AOL/AIM scene that I could find.  I know there’s still people out there that have content saved from the AOL/AIM scene.  So what are you waiting for we are not on 56K anymore and uploading it will only take minutes.  So  if you have anything and would like to share it,  please either contact me, or submit it.

Also if anything needs to be removed or updated please contact me as well.

About Me

I went by Justin aka Paste in my America Online days from 1998-2005.  My member directory tag was “justin aka pa5te”.  What can I say AOL paved the way for me.  From countless nights sitting in front of the computer stealing accounts, creating useless programs, useless websites, etc.  I always hoped I would doing something technology related.   I owe everything I have to the AOL/AIM scene, til this day I am still in the technology scene, my passion is designing webpages.    I’ve never left the internet scene since every job I had required it.  I’m a tech junkie, every new piece of technology that’s released I gotta have it.  From when I had my Hewlett Packard 600Mhz computer (I could never dream that technology would this be advanced in such a short time).

I knew so many people from AOL/AIM its unreal, however 15+ years I really can’t remember that many.   From Kaze, C0rpze (RIP), Kittie, ECW, Speed, Ph34r, Kilobitez, BIGGIE, Phaze, Hazy, Dipp, Suffer, xpl0d, Sizzer, Bobby aka Idol, Psmalls, Pure,Omer/ZZZ, ylp, xvoid, iazykZZ, xeek, Jakez, To0, tet, Fury, Omega, Odos, m0e, Solo, ICE3K, Meeco, Lazy, Kire and so many more I cannot remember.

Some of the private AOL chats I hung out in all the time were:  (Pr Pokemon, Pr ICP, Pr Eminem, Pr VB-1-6, Pr Phishy, etc.)

I also made tons of websites that I can only remember some of the addresses:  http://paste.tk, http://paste.rhn.ac, http://pastedesigns.com, http://paste.ws, Justins World, Paste3k Topsites, Pimp Sites and some others.

Here’s some of my old link me buttons


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Topsites I had. I would make a ton of these everyday. Was created pixel by pixel with MSPaint and looped together with Animagic.

PimpSites was a topsites script that I ran when I had hosting from Mike over at http://rhn.ac the domain I owned was http://paste.rhn.ac

Pimpsites Topsites script

I had hundreds of screen names some you may remember (t0y,b0x,r0b,h4k,moses,lions) those where some of my permie accounts plus 100s of others.


Some of the programs I created and released that I could still find:

JW-Cheat v1

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JW-Cheat v1 was one of the first topsites cheaters I created in VB6. This was just pretty basic that used web based CGI proxies and Microsoft Internet Controls.

These where all topsites cheaters basically the only way to get traffic to your site was by linking through a topsite there was no SEO ranking Ha!  That shit didn’t exist.  So these would use HTTP proxies and cheat the way to the top.

Some of my layouts from old sites:

Sources / Credits

  • AOLForever Logo – Recreated the old AOL-Files.com logo.
  • Without archive.org and the old content and websites everyone published this site wouldn’t even exist.
  • Without AOL/Steve Case I wouldn’t have the job or knowledge I have now in the tech scene.
  • AOL Programmers, Crackers, Spammers, Website creators, etc – for keeping me on my feet and striving each day to learn something new.
  • This is on going site, I won’t stop until there is nothing new I can find on the internet or people stop submitting content.  Your comments, e-mails and feedback is what keeps this site going and keeps me motivated to keep updating and trying to find new content to publish.


All content found on justinakapaste.com was harvested from old websites using archive.org.  We only provide images and text documents of old out dated content (none of this even works anymore).  DO Not contact me asking about exploits, downloads or anything else because I don’t know.  If any content needs to be removed please contact me.