AOL Warez Arise Group

2014-10-22 13_29_16-1264410_10105281608895370_5920015541346424548_o - Windows Photo Viewer

Arise Macro Created by X99



About Arise Warez

A long, long, time ago, hehe, I was in a group called DGG. GaL ran the group and eventually I ran it as well. Unfortunately for me I learned the hard way when a person other then yourself controls the site as well as the bots, well you got problems. GaL decided she wasn’t going to be involed with the group anymore and yanked the site. Well Arise was born that day. I borrowed a botnet and got a T-3 release site. First mistake: using a borrowed botnet. Ok so I got a few bots, Second mistake: Never have anybody but yourself be botmaster. Well eventually I learned bots and the group Arise flourished. One small problem was we were an AOL group but had no AOL presence. Chemical came on board and changed all that. Arise has seen members come and go, usually to see them start there own warez group. Hehe, I see more warez groups that have former Arise members and it amazes me, and I wish them all the BesT. Some say now we’re the best, the only true 0day group left. Well that is a nice complement. Ya know nothing lasts forever, but while its happening I say 0-Day Everyday!!
-Evil, Founder Of Arise

I’m happy to say I’ve been with Arise for going on a year now, and during this time, we’ve had periods of prosperity and times of hardship. I’ve made many new friends…seen a lot of people come and go, and its been a hell of a lot of fun. Right now, Arise is enjoying some of its best times, with an unparalled Distro department, and a wonderful uploading crew which is spitting out more warez than ever before. We are constantly working to improve the quality and quantity of stuff availible, and gladly take to constructive suggestions and ideas. Now, and always, as Evil says, with 2 huge T3 release sites, it truly is 0-Day everday at Arise.
-Raju, Executive Administrator Of Arise
As usual, we are always looking for new, dedicated members to join our team. If you feel you can meet our high standards of excellence, feel free to drop by #Arise99 on IRC Efnet to interview with one of our seniors.


Founder:  Evil

Exec:  Raju

Direct:  Evil, Lif3r, Grif, Blast, Storm1, Raju, Dubie, MeKK

Manage:  Braz, Diablo, Pepsi

Seniors:  AirCop, Trav, Pnt, Nuke, Phil, Midnite, Dogpile, Pn0y6i9

Dubie, Storm1, Lif3r, Sircrown, dogpile, bitz, Cowboy, RajuAbju, App, xTesTx, Pn0y6i9, ktwo, rewrite, spouse, metrulez, townshend, elx, skitz, CoLe, ChexZ, EpiC, acidicx, tron, whooosh, dedmeet, rummi, nitrox, Zewar

Servers:  Nuke, Pnt, T-Dog, trav, diablo, midnite, Nikon, redman, Fiery, FleX, ward, exabyte, jaz, phil, Thermo, Nike, fifth, voln, KoA, AzN, nippo

Mmers:  AirCop, Diablo, Braz, Pepsi, DirectX2K, TwiST, Max100, DD, KoA, [nicer]

Phishers:  Solid, jinho, phynal, braz, TwiST, phiz

Programming:  Relex, jaz, GhostLord, bagel, VaporX

Recruiter:  Nynex, KingRyan, pnt, diablo, braz

Web-Art:  scitch, slice, majic, pepsi, jinho, necro, sonar1

Legends:  SaS, Tru, LrdVader, Miami, Magus, Sonar1, paul, tourz, bowser, x99, wop, Rail, Soopa, W0LF, acid, Ferr0t, ToXiN, gfu, LadySexy, lol, acidicx

2014-10-22 [Requests]

Arise 1997 Tag

Arise Early 1998 Tag

Arise Late 1998 Tag

Middle of 1999 Arise Tag

Early 2000 Arise Tag

Middle of 2000 Arise Tag

Late 2000 Arise Tag

Early 2001 Arise Tag

Early 2002 Arise Tag

Late 2002 Arise Tag

Arise Flash Video


  1. -=UPS=-Boxingnun

    #mystic on efnet lives, come visit =)

  2. Evil

    Wow a post about arise memories 🙂

  3. Reflux

    Ahh ARiSE, good times. Hey Ed! Long time no talk.

  4. Messiah_

    Damn! REFLUX! I remember you. I was just googling showing my girlfriend stuff about back in the day and came across this.

    Raju seems to have taken down his site.. is there any other sites that have archives of tags etc?

    Hope all is well with you guys. 🙂


    Unfortunately, this is the best one that I know of. I look for stuff like this every now and then when the nostalgia sets in, if I ever see anything, I’ll make sure to come back here.

  6. ryan

    any of u guys still get on aol and shit? hmu on sn Stevenson

  7. Reidar

    Great to see some old names

  8. rajuabju

    jesus christ was here

  9. riddLer

    Sup guys. I was never in ‘Arise’ but was around the scene for many years in other groups under the alias ‘riddLer’.

    A little history behind ‘Tag-O-Rama’:

    It all started when I found a website hosting numerous ZIP files archiving hundreds of .NFO tag files that ‘behind the scene’ release groups would place within their packs. I instantly thought wouldn’t it be cool to have a similar archive but for the tags we had in the e-mail uploads for our AOL warez scene groups. Something to look back on to remember all those groups with the random ‘positions’ & all the ‘requirements to join’ (plus the lists showing who did the most MMails or who uploaded the most GB’s in a week). It was always about competition. Eventually, I ended up discussing the AOL warez group tag archive with some buddies: Sharky & Kidsins. This was back in 1998. Both Sharky & Kidsins had access to website space for hosting the tag archive. They also knew HTML very well (I didn’t). I had the largest collection of tags stored in my AOL e-mail inbox from as far back as 1995. Sharky & Kidsins also had a handful & they threw in what they had. Although, a large chunk of the tags were filtered out in the end by Sharky & Kidsins (such as majority of the ‘lower’ not well known groups). I think half the archive was not hosted because the process for converting AOL email tags into a seamless image was not the easiest thing to pull off back then. Whatever the reason, just know there would have been many more tags archived, but at least the main ones survived. The original ‘Tag-O-Rama’ site was up for a while, that is until the scene was hammered HARD by AOL making MMails not work & creating File Attachment Restrictions, etc.. That’s when the original Tag-O-Rama site went down (I think Sharky & Kidsins basically moved on from what I recall). Sharky was the last to have it hosted. Thankfully, both Sharky & Kidsins also knew RajuAbju who then took over the hosting before it was too gone for good. That allowed ‘Web Archive’ to then grab it all before Raju’s site also went down a few years later.

    So shout to ‘SQWERT’ with the 2006 comment up above referring to the ‘Archive’ site. It’s cool seeing the archve we made still available since not much from the scene has ‘survived’. The whole Tag-O-Rama collection is still available to view (amazingly). Again, it could have been bigger, but it is what it is. All the ‘tags’ are in the original image format:

    Check out the “Warez” section as well. Contains a handful of old school images showing some of those who hanged out on mIRC (also some funny quotes & more):

    Time flies. Will forever miss the scene (AOL & mIRC both). Constant nights of no sleep just because. All those days putting in work just for some credit in the scene & to gain a promotion to some higher level in the ‘group’. Back when everyone had to make a name for themselves. The days when the scene was forced to slowly transition from AOL to ‘mIRC’…. & of course, back when mIRC would constantly ‘NetSplit’ allowing someone else to jump in on another server & takeover the ‘Ops’. LOL. I started by stumbling into a Chat Room called ‘MassMail’ on AOL via 28.8k dial-up looking at Proggies scroll the room to death & ended it doing 0-Sec release work onto OC3’s & T3’s. Thankfully majority of us never got a visit from the ‘Feds’ for all those free downloads & taking advantage of the FXP protocol. Good times.

  10. REFLUX

    Taking another trip down memory lane. Ed, if you see this again, reply! Hey sqwerty! Hey raj, ya goatfucker! Hope everyone is doing well! — Justin

  11. REFLUX

    Sorry Raj, I just remembered that it was sheep.

  12. C

    I remember all this art from back then.

  13. Reidar

    Just checking in, stopped by some old efnet chans last night.. Not many old guard #leftovers #macros and the typical group rooms… 20 years later prob the greatest childhood experience ever.. M


  14. OoEvilpkoO

    This actually gave me such a nostalgic journey down memory lane….. These were the days we never knew were the best days of our lives.

  15. MikeD

    Arise had some leet swf animations. Wonder if any of those are archived anywhere.

  16. Trav

    Trav-X checking in! Damn I miss running those servers and MMers!

  17. goldilow

    Holy shit, what a blast from the past….

  18. App checking in from Arise & Prankradio. Wishing you all the best, except the diddlers.

  19. Nugem

    Arise led the way for us new people because they had an outstanding group of people that helped one another. Thanks for the post.

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