AOL Pulling

Hi I'am Michael Wilson with AOL's Operation Security department, are you familiar with OpSec? If No: Operations Security is a department that investigates all flaws and problems concerning the PegaReach/Merlin software which is installed on every PC on the AOL internal server.And the reason you're receiving this call today is because someone from your terminal has submitted a problems report using the "PROBLEMS" report option…
InternetNews – Hackers Again Strike AOL – June 19, 2000

InternetNews – Hackers Again Strike AOL – June 19, 2000

America Online, Inc. is the latest Net crime victim to have the privacy of some of its 23 million members violated. While the extent of weekend damage is unknown, the knowledge of how to access security holes in America Online's (Quote, Chart) network is spreading quickly through Internet channels. While AOL members are assured at every point of contact that their information is secure from potential maliciousness,…

MasterAOL for AOL 7.0

MasterAOL for AOL 7.0 US GM

sup[z] to: adam, artem, atm, dime, infamous, nec, plex, syg, xom and countless others.

Here it is, the first masteraol (star tool) for aol7. To install just double click on the .exe file (you will need to input the path to your aol7), then copy over the master.tol file into your \america online 7.0\tool\ folder.

Once you sign on you’ll get the master menu, however it’s a really crappy one. To fix this delete 32-487 in the main.idx file using dbview (available at If you can’t find dbview you could hex the main.idx and rename 32-487 to something else. Once deleted, when you load aol the master menu will be 32-2543, which is also the aol4/5/6 masteraol menu.

Credit goes to Artem for hexing the main install file and the tool file. I should mention that aol added extra security to the aol7 tools (masteraol and vpd), so be careful. I am not aware of any security issues with this, however be careful. In general aol7 is a big pile of spyware so i would stick to aol5 if possible 🙂

All files were scanned with newest version of norton antivirus updated.

-d4rk h4rk3r

Master.AOL for AOL 4.0

Master.AOL for AOL 4.0

Master.AOL for AOL 4.0 Installation: Place all files, except Master.AOL, in the root AOL directory. The Master.AOL file should be put into the AOL tool folder. This file was made available by: O0O, YTC and Glitch