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AOL Warez Group UPS – Celebrating 3 Years of AOL Dominance!

United Pirating Services!

Macro created by X99.


“Found this on a blog below:”

History of UPS: Me and a friend of mine started it at my apartment in 1992 back then it was TeRL(me) and DeathWish and WeaponX the scene has changed so much since then. I still attribute my love of computers and everything i am today with my childhood of growing up on AOL. Side note the best warez i ever got off of AOL was windows 95 April Test release.. ๐Ÿ™‚ for those of you that remeber that 9600baud 115MB hell of a download.


  1. -=UPS=-Boxingnun

    What about nin? Toof (deathwish) is in #pain on efnet right now….Nin is on facebook =) so is wex =) Come visit Terl

  2. -=UPS=-Boxingnun

    So is Dachronic (online that is) if intrested……many stories to share, ex members are billionaires, or in jail, from sean parker and the w00w00 clan, to sabu (anonymous),aka XavierX.

  3. Boxingnun, some of us still idle in #UPS. On Efnet, come by!

  4. nugem

    sabu is a team killer, blew his whole squad up. dissrepected the monocle. lmao

  5. Nugem

    Boxingnun! Scarface, moo, oli, and I are on a Discord with it bridged by EnvyNut to #ups. Had to plug low and punx in ๐Ÿ˜€

    Come idle!

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