AoMess Read Me

AOMess v3.0 FiNaL! Sept 1995
I now present you with a non-beta, complete MeSS!
– Mass Mail
– Bust In
– Three-line scroller
– Find Mail
– The LynX CD Player
– Mail Bomb
– BombFixer
– Punter
– DriveHell
– Da UsuaLs
– Options Saver
– Load AOL
– a clock…… so you can see how long ago you should have
gone to sleep.

The options are as follows:

Minimize Reduce AOMess to an AO-icon.
MassMail Forward your incoming mail to friends and
co-workers. Allows for Subject Masking to
name all messages the same.
Bust In Enters your favorite Private or Available
room without having to type and type etc.
Scroll Msg Send a 3-line message all at once.
For when you can’t fit what you want to say
all on one line.
Find Mail Searches OPEN areas of your Personal Filing
Cabinet for mail from a specific person or
with a specific subject.
Lynx CD Yes… it’s a CD Player.
Credits Anyone who helped with Version3
Mail Bomb Just make sure that mail preferences are
set so that mail is NOT closed after
Bomb Fixer Quickly gets rid of new mail.
PuNTeR It ties up a system with the IM wav and
a constantly referenced IM box…. if your
persistent enough, you’ll either aggravate
the dude to death, or lock up his system.
DriveHell Sends the A: Drive string to your chat
AOMESSage A very simple encrypter that anyone with a
few minutes and a bit of knowledge (or this
proggy) can figure out, but it’s good for
sending a private message to the other
AOMess users in the room.
(AOMess3 has not been mass distributed
yet). It’s rather self-explanatory. Any
ideas will be welcomed as to what this
could be used for or how to change
the way it works.
Da UsuaLs A basic 5-phrase Phrase Manager that saves
phrases for later use. Be careful when
using this to scroll cuz you’ll get kicked
offline if you send it at more than three
lines a second!
Options Just a place to store your AOL path and to
toggle the Startup WAV.
Exit Guess.

I try to avoid all the real annoying sh*t, like the obnoxious scrollers, played out macroz, scroll busters, etc… I figure
that only the really lame use that crap. I am, however, looking
for help making an IM Manager, and really want to enhance the
Mass Mailer. Any help would be appreciated!

As always, send any comments or suggestions to

Take care!


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