MasterAOL for AOL 7.0

MasterAOL for AOL 7.0 US GM

sup[z] to: adam, artem, atm, dime, infamous, nec, plex, syg, xom and countless others.

Here it is, the first masteraol (star tool) for aol7. To install just double click on the .exe file (you will need to input the path to your aol7), then copy over the master.tol file into your \america online 7.0\tool\ folder.

Once you sign on you’ll get the master menu, however it’s a really crappy one. To fix this delete 32-487 in the main.idx file using dbview (available at If you can’t find dbview you could hex the main.idx and rename 32-487 to something else. Once deleted, when you load aol the master menu will be 32-2543, which is also the aol4/5/6 masteraol menu.

Credit goes to Artem for hexing the main install file and the tool file. I should mention that aol added extra security to the aol7 tools (masteraol and vpd), so be careful. I am not aware of any security issues with this, however be careful. In general aol7 is a big pile of spyware so i would stick to aol5 if possible 🙂

All files were scanned with newest version of norton antivirus updated.

-d4rk h4rk3r

Supersub.dll (Read Me)

***SUPERSUB.DLL AOL SPEED PATCH FOR AOL4-7*** 1. Shut down your AOL software 2. Find your AOL directory 3. In the AOL directory , find the file "supersub.dll". rename it "supersub.dl~" or whatever you wish to rename it 4. Then take this supersub.dll file and copy it into your AOL directory that's all there is to it
Hotrod_scan.ocx (Read Me)

Hotrod_scan.ocx (Read Me)

here is hot rod scan 1.0, my chatscan for aol 7.0-9.1. it's small in size and from the little testing i had done with it, seems to work pretty good and is pretty fast. it's a lot smaller than both fusion chatscans v1 and v2. it also seems a lot faster. any bugs report them in the program support section. it's an ocx file, so…

Color XP Rocker (Read Me)

Color Rocker made by aLex contact: aim(thugginaLex) email( if you need help, email me if you dont know what the buttons do then just wait for the tool tip to pop up with instructions :P, enjoi! 100% made by aLex, idea from darren, help from myke and nitroid, also sinac   TO USE THIS PROGRAM, USE WINZIP AND EXTRACT THE FILES DOUBLE CLICK ON THE…

Send Chat Fixer (Read Me)

Extract all files to a new directory... Open "SendChat Fixer.exe"... It will sit in your SysTray if all goes right... Open an old prog that you thought stopped working... Try it in a chatroom, if you see the text,than it is working!! Thanks to FlufffyCow at!

Forever 1.7 (Read Me)

Forever V1.7 was made by Flake for the MP3 Group ‘Forever’.
This version was created Sept-3-99
If there are any BUGs or Suggestions email me at (
The Flake Homepage is

I wana say peace out to:
ReLLiK_A – Fuck it all!!! 101% pure good times!
Gryphon – Keep learning man. and remember “abandone all hope”
The Mad Butcher – Dude we are a good team.
Fuel – You are the king of VB. Thanks
Darkmoon – Thanks and now Dark is HUGE!
Coasty (of gcmp3) – You are the dopest, thanks.

PXP Plugin (Read Me)

; Plug-In by BRoBoCK
; PXP Plug-In
; This file must be named ????????.PXP (where the ? is the name of the file)
; the semicolons are just used to describe the file, the program will not
; acknowledge semicolons, they are just text you can add to this file to
; describe this PXP file.
; This line verifies that this file is a panic plugin, do not change it!
; This is the Plug-In type
; (1 – Chatroom Option) (2 – Mail Option) (3 – IM Option) (4 – Other Options) with Atomdebug with Atomdebug for AOL 4.0/5.0 ________________________________________________________ Overview: These tools for AOL 4.0 and 5.0 allow you to invoke f1 tokens, WAOL snoop, change version numbers, new user reset, trace atoms and much more. ________________________________________________________ Installation: Place all files, except, in the root AOL directory. should go in the c:\America Online 4.0\tool folder. If you are installing to AOL 5.0, rename to…

Rampage Toolz (Read Me)

Rampage Toolz 1.1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thankyou for downloading Rampage Toolz. I can't garuentee that this file is virus free unless you downloaded it from You can go there for help, the latest version or just info. For anything about rampage toolz including help remember to goto

HaVoK Platinum (Read Me)

Dont Forget To Put The Wavs (Havok, Havok6, Havok7,
Sacrifce) Into your windows directory!! If When Running This Program,
If It Says “File Not Found” Or Anything Like That, Mail
Me At And Tell Me… I Added Three Bitmaps
(The Pictures) In This Zip In Case You Would Like To
Use Any Of Them As Wallpaper. Also I Added A Sheep Screen
Mate. (Very Funny And Entertaining)