VOD bas

VOD bas

'This Bas Is For Aol40 Thanx To Alot Of The Bases'That I Used To Make This'Some Stuff In This Bas Is From Me'I Am Not Sure If Everything Works Mostley Everything'Does So Just Enjoy If You Run Into An Error:'Just Mail Me the Correction At iVODi@Hotmail.com'Thanx'Alot Of Bases Write Up A Readme Code Section In NotePad'And I Was Asked Too But I Said No Because…
Jolt32 bas

Jolt32 bas

' Sup PerSoN usin my AOL 4.0bas. This is a start for all' you people lookin to write yer own AOL 4.0 prog. It's' got a few of the basic necessities you're gonna need.' If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or' anything I could add to this bas, please mail me at' JoLT_MaiL@juno.com
Har0 bas

Har0 bas

'SUp people-Thanks For Choosing Har0's BAS'This BAS IS FOR AOL3, AOL95, AOL4.0'Since i do not believe in copying CODES i made my own'I think that this bas KICKS ASS!'There is no doubt about it that this BAs the best'If you have any questions or comments'please E-mail me.'If your making an AOL 3.0 and 4.0 Prog use the'SendChat_3or4 Sub, It detects What AOL Version'you have and…
Fader bas

Fader bas

This is the first fader.bas ever made I would like tothank GeM3,JoLt, and Insanity for the filez that helpedput this together alot of things I took fromthem and edited and some I made myselfEmail me if you have found an error you can reach meat: oO_JMR_Oo@hotmail.comcheck out my grewps page at:http://members.xoom.com/JMR/This is made for 32 bit programmers for AOL 4.0 I hopeyou like it I…