AOL/AIM Exploits · January 27, 2014 0

Chat Con/Con Punt

Date 2000
Founded unknown
Submitted By Contributed By: PHAT Addition:ScSa
Source Archive

The Con/Con punt is actually a Windows exploit that can done through AOL. It only affects users in chatrooms with their sounds turned on. To do it, you simply sent “{S /con/con” to the chat and everyone with their sounds turned on will get a “blue screen” error.

However, AOL did not like this punt because grandma and newbies didn’t know to turn their sounds off in chats so people were still getting punted even after most people realized to just turn their sounds off. So AOL released its first attempt to stop this punt. When you sent the normal code, all you saw in the chat was “/con” instead of “/con/con”. This was fixed by adding “<.xmp>” between { and S. This fixed it for many months until AOL realized the punt just wasnt dying. They finally killed the <.xmp>” fix. This was quickly fixed with the newest working code “<.h>{<.h>S/con/con” which still works now.

You can also get the /con/con to work if you put <./a> between { and s