empyrie [Read Me]

This program is made for use with Windows98 & Windows95, YAHOO! Messanger 2.x, and AIM 4.0 and lower…… This program is not fully compatable with windows2000 systems, however it will work with some 2000 systems. Also its not compatable with operating systems such as Mac OS, Linux, Unix, etc.. (obviously).

This program has OVER 850 options on it. It is the best full aim prog out right now and the largest aim prog EVER made. Yes, even bigger than 187 Final was !!…… Empyrie is also the FIRST program to have REAL WORKING Yahoo options that automatically set the text to a IM window and sends it (earlyer Y! progs simply coppied the containing text and you hand to MANUALLY past it into a message and click send)……It includes about 40 options for YAHOO! Messanger, over 60 Windows options, several hundred AIM options, and several more hidden options.

The c-com bots and c-coms due to the ocx’s used. ive tried several ocx’s but all of them illegal op the users aim occationally (especially when you first turn on a bot) if an OCX error occurs saying it is “not registered” then you need a registering program (found on my site, the link is below in the “CONTACT” section….. About 10% of the users have a problem with an out dated OLEAUT32.DLL and unfortunately that is something i cannot do anything about that is a system error (my OLEAUT is written differently from some other useres OLEAUT’s are).

To have ALL options working correctly download the empyrie.zip file to a location on your computer that will be easy to remember, then open it up with a compressor/extracter program such as “winzip” or “stuffit”, then extract ALL the files into the SAME folder name that you created for it. once in the folder simply click the .exe file to load and run program.

e-mail- xXLOHRXx@cyber-rage.com
web site- http://cyber-rage.com
http://cyber-rage.com/ocxreg.zip (if u need 2 register a ocx)



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