Posted inAOL Lists
Old Buddy Lists
a1m fear accuracy afextz africanninjas aim tempy aimbionet aimnymike airtuh ily almost tipsy ambidextrism atb azz
a1m fear accuracy afextz africanninjas aim tempy aimbionet aimnymike airtuh ily almost tipsy ambidextrism atb azz
crèátéd by: shøck, in the year 2001, and released at exactly: 6:42 PM 11/2/01, yeah nigga. .·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–·._.·–· INFORMATION ON AC²: This is probably my last prog, but who knows maybe…
aol progz… a digital throw back to AOL, 1995. one of the main reasons that i decided to recreate my website was the constant memories of the AOL progz…