EXE2HTML 1.0b Dox (C) 2000 by [ByteRage] —————————————-


What’s new in 1.0b
– Fixed some bugs so that the program is looks less crappy 🙂
– Better exploit code (Windows directory can be variable, a little smaller)


How does it work, what systems does it run on ?
EXE2HTML creates an HTML file that will use the HTA exploit to extract an EXE/JPG/etc…-file from an HTML file. According to Georgi Guninski, the exploit runs on all windows versions with Internet Explorer 5.0/5.1 on.


How to use EXE2HTML

When you start up exe2html, you will see the following input fields :

Source File –> The EXE file to be embedded
(max. 12 chars)


Append to/Create HTML file –> The Output HTML file (max. 255 chars)


Target File –> The EXE filename of the extracted exe
(in the startup dir) (max. 12 chars)

HTA Filename –> File that will be written to the startup dir
(random, ending with *.HTA, max.12 chars)


Script File –> File that will be written to the startup dir that will
be used to write the Decoder File
(random, max. 12 chars)


Encoded File –> File that will be written to the startup dir **
(encoded exe) (random, max. 12 chars)


Decoder File –> Decoder that will decode the Encoded File
(random, ending with *.COM, max. 12 chars)


** Change this to 3/4 encoding or none at all


Actually, if you dont give a damn about how the exploit/exe2html works, then just change the first 3, the
rest has been filled in by the program. So, basically, you throw the exe in the EXE2HTML directory,
you type the name in the Source File field, you compile the stuff and you’re done …


Problems with Encoding
There seem to be problems with the encoding on certain systems (especially 7/8). Therefore you’d better use
3/4 encoding or no encoding at all, however, on my system (Windows 98 SE, IE5) they all work.


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