Hacker Game Documentation

File from:  ‎Tuesday, ‎November ‎21, ‎2000, ‏‎7:27:00 PM

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Hacker Documentation
o.o – Notes From the Author
1.o – Getting Started
1.1 – Loading Hacker
1.2 – Common Errors………***Read this if there are errors!***
1.3 – Story Line
1.4 – Encryption Statement
2.o – How to play
2.1 – HackerHelp Program
2.2 – Hints
3.o – Miscellaneous
3.1 – Skinning Statement
3.2 – Update History
3.3 – Next Update
3.4 – Additional Help
3.5 – Things to come
4.o – Unreal Visions

o.o – Notes From the Author [James Tyrrell] Now listen all. I, in no way, endorse hacking. Hacking is a bad thing. It’s a crime actually, punishable by jail time. I don’t know how to hack. I do however, understand how server’s work, and with that knowledge created a computer game that allows people to connect to fake servers. In the game, they are aloud to try to break into them. That is all.

Next… This game is NOT realistic. It’s fun tho. Understand that please before emailing myself or anybody else at Unreal Visions!

Hacker is Freeware. It can be uploaded and distributed ANYWHERE as long as it contains the original unedited files it came with. This includes skins, sounds, documentation, and everything else. I want people to recognize MY skill, not someone elses.

I would like to thank the people that gave me little help. I created this program entirely by myself with only the aid of a few websites that had sound archives. Even that isn’t considered much. The beta testers tested to see if my creation was good, the didn’t actually test it however. Unfortunatly, I was in a lack of testers so this first release of the game may be bad. Again, I just want EVERYONE TO KNOW that I created this with no help from Unreal Visions, friends, or associates. It was hard. It took 3.5 months, but it’s first release is complete and I’m happy with it 😀


1.o – Getting Started
This section contains some information on starting off your new version of Hacker.

1.1 – Loading Hacker
Hacker starts off at the main screen with a message to you about how the game works. Press ‘Okay’ once you’ve read it and enter your alias into the prompt. Once that is complete you can play the game. If you would like more help, load the program named ‘HackerHelp.exe’. It is an entire tutorial for hacker, and will aid you if you’re stuck.

1.2 – Common Errors
Hacker was thrown together at the end. I think I [James Tyrrell] did a good job of keeping it error free, but sometimes it just doesn’t work that way. Hopefully you will get no errors. The only way to be positive that it won’t error is to not do anything stupid. If you are asked for a number, don’t write a name. You might get a data type error [I think I cleaned all those out tho]

Other errors would probably occur when the program, or another windowform, is opened. Causes of this would be:

You are missing the Visual Basic Runtime Files.
You are missing additional files that Hacker needs.
The files you DO have might be old or edited in a manner of which they shouldn’t have.

If you need any files, run the other programs included with Hacker. They are:

If this doesn’t work, visit HTTP://UV.GAMEHAPPY.COM or email pidanti@techie.com.

Finally, if the main screen looks distorted in any way, change you monitor’s font size to ‘Small Fonts’. If you are incapable of doing so whilst enjoying the game, visit HTTP://UV.GAMEHAPPY.COM to download the ‘Large Fonts’ version if it is available in the future.

1.3 – Story Line
You are a hacker. You have been training long and hard. Your skills are above most people on this planet. Actually, only .0001 percent of the people on this planet are capable of computer crimes [other than pirating, fraud, etc]. you are the best of the best. In a time not too far back, you would have been referred to as elite. Now, that word is ancient and un-used, however you can prove your skills once and for all. You have been practicing server infiltration for too long, it is time. Your mentor, Oskard, has helped you before, as you have helped him, and now you must fend for yourself. He will help you if the time comes. You already borrowed some money from a loan shark, and are about to begin your journey. You have been soupped up with the most high tech devices a hacker could need, not to mention programs written by Oskard himself. If you can survive 30 days, you might be able to prove you worthiness to the world.

1.4 – Encryption Statement
The encryption in Hacker isn’t too hard to break, but it should be hard to. If you can break it, I congradulate you, for you will then be able to edit everything in hacker. In the future you may be able to upload your saved game files to the Hacker website and exploit your skills to the rest of the world, but for now you can just look at the high score list and enjoy yourself. If you upload an edited saved game file, it will not be taken.

2.o – How to play
This game requires skill. You must play it more than once to absolutely defeat it. We have compiled a help file and documentation to aid you.

2.1 – HackerHelp Program
Just load up this program and select a topic to talk about, it’ll tell you all about it. Also, click the ‘See Also’ button for even more references to the topic. I recomend reading everything in there, and viweing all the topics before playing the game, or while you’re in the process of playing it. Knowing how to play Hacker makes it much more fun 😀

2.2 – Hints
Everybody, I programmed no code into this game. There are no secret commands in the Hacker terminal. Please do not start rumors!

The only hint I can offer you is to learn how the game works. It will help you in the end.

3.o – Miscellaneous
This is all the junk that had no room anywhere else >:x

3.1 – Skinning Statement
:] Go ahead, skin this bad boy. I want someone to make a skin or two for Hacker, however I will provide NO help on how to make a skin. It’s simple, just edit the images with the correct coords. If you make one, send it over! I’d love to put other hacker’s works on Unreal Visions!

3.2 – Update History
If you were mentally ill you’d make me write this update history. For all the mentally ill people reading this – This is the first ever release of hacker [besides the beta]. Everything you see in Hacker was created since the last time it was updated, which was never. Pft…People…

3.3 – Next Update
Not sure when I’ll ever feel like working on this game again. Email me if you really want something new. Actually, I’m going to take a long awaited break from this computer monitor, I think it’s giving me mental radiation problems.

The next update will be posted on the Hacker website.

3.4 – Additional Help
Must I say this again… Additional help can be obtained by visiting Unreal Visions, Emailing me, or visiting the Hacker website.


3.5 – Things to come
It’s too early to come to plan what I’m going to do in the future. If Hacker get’s big, I’d love to do a sequel, and no matter what I will continuosly update this game. I’ve also wanted to make a high quality multiplayer game [not first person or anything, but with 3d graphics]. Email me if you want to support me or help with any of my projects.



4.o – Unreal Visions

Unreal Visions was created by James Tyrrell. Visit our website, view our work, our products, and email us. We love all of our fans. We are thankful for you and everyone else, and we’d love you even more for an email 😀


pidanti@techie.com – James Tyrrell


The End!

Hacker is complete!

Let’s all sing a song!


  1. oskard

    I made this game. I created this terrible document when I was 14 years old. I love knowing that this stuff, however embarrassing it may be, is still on the Internet. Thanks for posting.

  2. liquidmetal

    My 14 year old self really enjoyed playing this game. Thanks!

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