Hush Puppies [Read Me]


hey whats up. ok there is a few things you should know about a few things
**custom commands**
there are 2 ways to make commands, use the i-face or use the chat command
when making commands DON’T use commas in your phrases. if you do don’t
complain when u type lol and get the bye phrases. ok to make a command
just use the words like lol, kill, kick, etc.. you don’t need to type a trigger for
it. it will use what ever trigger is set on your prog. its it easy to start making coms
by using the i-face. most people load a prog and automatically hide the i-face.
then they screw around and mess things up and say the prog sucks. its not my
fault. u just must be a complete idiot. well neways. to make a command it will ask
you for the trigger first. that means the com you will type. example: lol next it will ask
you to type your phrase to use. now here is the cool part. we will still use lol for the
example. ok now we will use the phrase: laughing out loud.. now if u type lol in the
chat room it will say laughing out loud.. if you type lol screen name it will then say
laughing out loud, screen name.. ok now i know you are wondering. thats stupid
i want the name in the middle of the phrase.. well to do that when u are making the
phrase use sn$ where you want the name to be. example: hey sn$. that was funny.
so if you use that as your lol phrase, then when you type lol screen name in the chat
it would be like…. hey screen name. that was funny. now to make a command useing
chat comms the command for that is: ccom lol, laughing out loud. thats basically it for
cutom commands. mess around with it sooner or later it will be easier..
**bot maker**
ok to make a bot is is basically the same as making commands except u can add
as many phrases to the bot as you want. there is no chat command to add bots.
just to load them and view the bots.. im not going to go into it deeply you should
be able to figure it out. if not then you suck.same as chat coms. DON’T use commas
in your phrases.. well after you have some bots made toload a bot type “.loadbot + bot name”
once the bot is loaded to turn it on use”.boton”. to stop the bot
type “.botoff”. it is important to load the bots first or you won’t get any phrases.
one more thing. most people, including myself, don’t like to use a trigger. its really better
to use one since there are so many commands and sometimes type stuff will activate a com.
im not telling you what to do, im just warning you. also to make your trig = nothing
type “.trig ” just like that. a space is after the word trig. if u just type “.trig” it will make that
your trigger which doesn’t work. then you will have to reset the trigger useing the i-face. ok
now people asked how did i make my ascii wingdings. well use the i-face and type
<font face=”wingdings”>ascii<font face=”arial”> <– change arial to what ever font you
want the program to be. now why didn’t i make a chat com to do this??. there is no need
for it. once you type your ascii in the input box. it will save it, so next time you will just
have to change the ascii and not type the font face code anymore. if i didn’t have an i-face
i would have added it, but i do have one and it works just fine. if u know html, you could also
use the chat com to do it, but its so much easier useing the i-face. plus my i-face is so nice
why hide it and not use it?.. heh.. well that is about it.. if you have any problems. don’t mail
me or im me asking question.. just stfu and delete the prog cause your just too lame to use it..
bahaha.. j-k.. well im outs. hope you all enjoy. peace -chef-


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