nWo Punter [Read Me]

Installation For nWo PunterWindows 95 – Wizard8C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\English.lng   ߺ5 Í Í nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTenWo)nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe Uninstall&Remove nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe Dont Do it !!!TI dont know why in the world you would want to uninstall me but FINE UNINSTALL !!!!!Fag&i hope you enjoyed UNINSTALLIN ME !!!!  ÿ e:\nwotoolz.bmp nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe Arialÿÿÿ 0 Àÿÿÿ¼   Arialÿÿÿ  Ûÿÿÿ  Copyright © 1996 nWo : PiRaTe Arial ÿ  íÿÿÿ *nWo Punter version1.0 for AOL4.0 by PiRaTešWassup !!! heres the installation for my AOL4.0 punter !!! hurry and click next so you can get with the prog !!!

Click Next to continue with the Setup.E:\Some o my art\nWopuntah.bmp Important NotesuThis is where you would place important notes to the user about your software and/or about using the Setup program…>C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\ReadMe.bmp License Agreement)Place your license agreement text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\SignLic.bmp6I agree to and accept the terms of the agreement above PasswordâSetup requires that you enter your password before continuing. Type your password into the box below and then press Next.

If you do not know the password, you will not be able to continue. Press Cancel to abort the Setup.@C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\ComboLok.bmpPASSWORD Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Please Answer This QuestionQuestion text here…?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\GetInfo.bmp Installation Type?C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\InsType.bmp?Installs the full package with all of the options and features.3Installs only the most common options and features.AInstalls only those files that are necessary to run the software.XAllows you to select components to install, or add new ones to an existing installation.CompleteTypicalMinimumCustomInstallation DirectoryéSetup will install the software to the directory listed in the box below.

To install to a different directory, either type in the new path or click Browse to select another directory.

When you are ready, click Next to continue.E:\Some o my art\thingy.BMP C:\nWoPunter Select Shortcut Folder¹Setup will add shortcut icons to the folder indicated below.

If you do not want to use the default folder, you can either type a new name, or select an existing folder from the list.&E:\My Progs\40 room buster\PiRaTe1.bmp
nWo Punter Ready to Install÷Setup now has enough information to start installing the software.

If you would like to make any changes before continuing, click Back. To abort the installation, click Cancel.

When you are ready to start installing the files, click Finish.E:\bypirate.bmp Last Minute Notes—This is where you would place any last minute notes about your software, such as version changes and information that didn’t make it into the manual…<C:\AMERICA ONLINE 4.0\DOWNLOAD\SETUP FACTORY\Images\Note.bmp Finishedÿ^Setup is complete and your software is now installed!

Congratulations on choosing nWo Punter for AOL4.0 by PiRaTe!

Make sure you register your software today. By sending in your registration card, you will receive:

– New product and upgrade information
– Technical support
– A good feeling in your heart!

Click Finish to end the Setup.E:\nWo ArT\nwobeg~1.bmp  ÿÿ
IRIMG1.BMP€E:\Some o my art\nWopuntah.bmp
IRIMG2.BMP€E:\Some o my art\thingy.BMP
IRIMG3.BMP€&E:\My Progs\40 room buster\PiRaTe1.bmp
IRIMG5.BMP€E:\nWo ArT\nwobeg~1.bmp
IRIMG6.BMP  ÿÿ CFileInfoV¹ <Mý$e:\my progs\4.0 punter\nWopunter.exeÎ  ÎÎÎ Î ü %AppDir% nWopunter.exe  None € ­,ó¢c:\windows\system\311.dllÍ  ÎÎÎ
p %AppDir%  None €y ÷Ö´c:\windows\system\VB40032.DLLÌ Ì Ì Î Î  %AppDir%  None


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