Posted inAOL/AIM Progs Punters
sonicnoodles 10 bot booter
sonicnoodles 10 bot booter Updated '// added ini file and organised log on process better make 6 to 10 names up , (the more the better), and log into Oscar (quick buddy) Deploy your new task force to destroy enemys with a hail fire of connect to talk errors, im floods and errors, buddy list send errors, chat invite errors, file send errors boots most…
Posted inAOL Articles
Padillac’s aim bump v1
#######################[]################################### ###########[]##################################################### ## ## ## [+] vulnerable software: aim express 7.0 ## ## [+] discovered by: pad aka padillac escobar ## ## ## ## [+] capabilities: bumping, password scrambling, account suspension ## ## [+] discovered on: 08/20/08 ## ## [+] partially patched on: 09/09/08 ## ## ## ## [+] notes: a few people have been asking for an explanation as to ## ## how i…
Posted inAOL Lists
MR Tokens
The following numbers are MR tokens for use with AOL. If you have the right equipment (which many don’t), you can use these to go directly to a conference room. Some of these tokens lead to staff-only rooms, however, these can STILL be accessed by non-staff.
1 Town Hall
3 Classroom
4 The OGF Commons
5 Writers Workshop
6-8 Classroom
9 Geoworks Chat Room
10 Classroom
11 The Schoolroom
12 Chat Room
13 PC Multimedia
14 The Work Room
15 Educ Technology
16 PC Applications
17 PC Games
18 Questions n Answers
19 PC Graphics
20 The Dungeon
21 Cybersalon
22 Travel Cafe
Posted inAOL Sites AOLers RIP Websites
Posted inAOL/AIM Prog Read Me's
AIM AttaK [Read Me]
AIM AttaK - By Cloner AIM: Cloner Iz Me Yo to get this to work make sure you put ASOscar.ocx and msdxm.ocx in C:\WINDOWS\system32\. And then do not forget to install the VB4 32 Bit Runtime (vb40032a). Oh yeah this comes with a movie player which is simple to use Open it up, go to the directory of file ya want to watch, And then…