Hi, I’m with AOL’s Online Security. We have found hackers trying to get into your MailBox. Please verify your password immediately to avoid account termination. Thank you. AOL Staff
Hello. I am with AOL’s billing department. Due to some invalid information, we need you to verify your log-on password to avoid account cancellation. Thank you, and continue to enjoy America Online.
Good Evening. I am with AOL’s Virus Protection Group. Due to some evidence of virus uploading, I must validate your sign-on password. Please STOP what you’re doing and Tell me your password. — AOL VPG
These have been pulled from an old module (.bas) file.
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am the Head Of AOL’s XPI Link Department. Due to a configuration error in your version of AOL, I need you to verify your log-on password to me, to prevent account suspension and possible termination. Thank You.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “5” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi. You are speaking with AOL’s billing manager, Steve Case. Due to a virus in one of our servers, I am required to validate your password. You will be awarded an extra 10 FREE hours of air-time for the inconvenience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “6” Then
lAFE0 = “Good evening, I am with the America Online User Department, and due to a system crash, we have lost your information, for out records please click ‘respond’ and state your Screen Name, and logon Password. Thank you, and enjoy your time on AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “7” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error in your log on we failed to recieve your logon password, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “8” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am with the America Online Hacker enforcement group, we have detected hackers using your account, we need to verify your identity, so we can catch the illicit users of your account, to prove your identity, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name, Personal Password, Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Thank you and have a nice day!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “9” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I’m Alex Troph of America Online Sevice Department. Your online account, #3560028, is displaying a billing error. We need you to respond back with your name, address, card number, expiration date, and daytime phone number. Sorry for this inconvenience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “10” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am a representative of the VISA Corp. Due to a computer error, we are unable complete your membership to America Online. In order to correct this problem, we ask that you hit the Respond
key, and reply with your full name and password, so that the proper changes can be made to avoid cancellation of your account. Thank you for your time and cooperation. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “11” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error caused by SprintNet, we failed to receive your log on password, for our records. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Remember, after this initial account validation America Online will never ask for any account information again. Thank you. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “12” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am a represenative of the Visa Corp. emp# C8205183W. Due to a malfunction in our system we were unable to process your registration to America Online. In order to correct this mistake, we ask that you hit the ‘Respond’ key, and reply with the following information: Name, Address, Telephone#, Visa Card#, and Expiration date. If this information is not processed promptly your account will be terminated. For any further questions please contact us at 1-800-336-8427. Thank You.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “13” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online New User Validation Department. I am happy to inform you that your validation process is almost complete. To complete your validation process I need you to please hit the Respond
key and reply with the following information: Name, Address, Phone Number, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, and Bank Name. Thank you for your time and cooperation and we hope that you enjoy America Online. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “14” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am an America Online Administrator. Due to a problem we’re experiencing with the Sprint Network, we need you to verify your log-in password to me so that you can continue this log-in session with America Online. We apologize for this inconvenience, and thank you for cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “15” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, this is the America Online Billing Department. Due to a System Crash, we have lost your billing information. Please hit respond, then enter your Credit Card Number, and experation date. Thank You, and sorry for the inconvience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “16” Then
lAFE0 = “ATTENTION: This is the America Online billing department. Due to an error that occured in your Membership Enrollment process we did not receieve your billing information. We need you to reply back with your Full name, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and hope that you continue to enjoy America Online in the future.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “17” Then
lAFE0 = “Sorry, there seems to be a problem with your bill. Please reply with your password to verify that you are the account holder. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “18” Then
lAFE0 = “Sorry the credit card you entered is invalid. Perhaps you mistyped it? Please reply with your credit card number, expiration date, name on card, billing address, and phone number, and we will fix it. Thank you and enjoy AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “19” Then
lAFE0 = “Sorry, your credit card failed authorization. Please reply with your credit card number, expiration date, name on card, billing address, and phone number, and we will fix it. Thank you and enjoy AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “20” Then
lAFE0 = “Due to the numerous use of identical passwords of AOL members, we are now generating new passwords with our computers. Your new password is ‘Stryf331’, You have the choice of the new or old password. Click respond and try in your preferred password. Thank you”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “21” Then
lAFE0 = “I work for AOL’s Credit Card department. My job is to check EVERY AOL account for credit accuracy. When I got to your account, I am sorry to say, that the Credit information is now invalid. We DID have a sysem crash, which my have lost the information, please click respond and type your VALID credit card info. Card number, names, exp date, etc, Thank you!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “22” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am with AOL Account Defense Department. We have found that your account has been dialed from San Antonia,Texas. If you have not used it there, then someone has been using your account. I must ask for your password so I can change it and catch him using the old one. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “23” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello member, I am with the TOS department of AOL. Due to the ever changing TOS, it has dramatically changed. One new addition is for me, and my staff, to ask where you dialed from and your password. This allows us to check the REAL adress, and the password to see if you have hacked AOL. Reply in the next 1 minute, or the account WILL be invalidated, thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “24” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello member, and our accounts say that you have either enter an incorrect age, or none at all. This is needed to verify you are at a legal age to hold an AOL account. We will also have to ask for your log on password to further verify this fact. Respond in next 30 seconds to keep account active, thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “25” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear member, I am Greg Toranis and I werk for AOL online security. We were informed that someone with that account was trading sexually explecit material. That is completely illegal, although I presonally do not care =). Since this is the first time this has happened, we must assume you are NOT the actual account holder, since he has never done this before. So I must request that you reply with your password and first and last name, thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “26” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am Steve Case. You know me as the creator of America Online, the world’s most popular online service. I am here today because we are under the impression that you have ‘HACKED’ my service. If you have, then that account has no password. Which leads us to the conclusion that if you cannot tell us a valid password for that account you have broken an international computer privacy law and you will be traced and arrested. Please reply with the password to avoind police action, thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “27” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear AOL member. I am Guide zZz, and I am currently employed by AOL. Due to a new AOL rate, the $10 for 20 hours deal, we must ask that you reply with your log on password so we can verify the account and allow you the better monthly rate. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “28” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am CATWatch01. I witnessed you verbally assaulting an AOL member. The account holder has never done this, so I assume you are not him. Please reply with your log on password as proof. Reply in next minute to keep account active.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “29” Then
lAFE0 = “I am with AOL’s Internet Snooping Department. We watch EVERY site our AOL members visit. You just recently visited a sexually explecit page. According to the new TOS, we MUST imose a $10 fine for this. I must ask you to reply with either the credit card you use to pay for AOL with, or another credit card. If you do not, we will notify the authorities. I am sorry.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “30” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear AOL Customer, despite our rigorous efforts in our battle against ‘hackers’, they have found ways around our system, logging onto unsuspecting users accounts WITHOUT thier passwords. To ensure you are the responsible, paying customer -and not a ‘hacker’- we need you to click on the RESPOND button and enter your password for verification. We are very sorry for this trouble. –AOL Security/B.A.H. Team”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “31” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear member, I am a Service Representitive with the America Online Corporation,and I am sorry to inform you that we have encountered an error in our Main-Frame computer system and lost the billing information to some of our users. Unfortunatley your account was in that group. We need you to reply back with your billing information including: Name (as appears on card), address, and C.C. Number w/EXP Date. Failure in correcting this problem will result in account termination. Thank you for your cooperation-for your assistance with this problem your account will be credited w/2 free hours of online time. –AOL Cust. Service”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “32” Then
lAFE0 = “Good evening AOL User, our billing department is having computer trouble -the terminal containing your billing information- and we are positive that our computers have been fully restored, but to verify this information and to cause the least amount of complications as possible, we only need you to click RESPOND and enter your Credit Card number including EXP. Date…we are very sorry for any trouble. –AOL Billing Department”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “33” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am with America Online New user Data base we have encounterd an error in your sign up process please respond and State your full name first and last and your personal log in password.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “34” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am with America Online Billing department and we have you down to get billed in 2weeks $300 dollars if you disagree please respond with your full name Creidt card number with experation date address area code city state and phone number.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “35” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello i am With America Online billing Dep. we are missing your sign up file from our user data base please click respond and send us your full name address city state zipcode areacode phone number Creidt card with experation date and personal log on password.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “36” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am an America Online Billing Representative and I am very sorry to inform you that we have accidentally deleted your billing records from our main computer. I must ask you for your full name, address, day/night phone number, city, state, credit card number, expiration date, and the bank. I am very sorry for the invonvenience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! Brad Kingsly, (CAT ID#13) Vienna, VA.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “37” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am a member of the America Online Security Agency (AOSA), and we have identified a scam in your billing. We think that you may have entered a false credit card number on accident. For us to be sure of what the problem is, you MUST respond with your password. Thank you for your cooperation! (REP Chris) ID#4322.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “38” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am an America Online Billing Representative. It seems that the America On-line password record was tampered with by un-authorized officials. Some, but very few passwords were changed. This slight situation occured not less then five minutes ago.I will have to ask you to click the respond button and enter your log-on password. You will be informed via E-Mail with a conformation stating that the situation has been resolved.Thank you for your cooperation. Please keep note that you will be recieving E-Mail from us at AOLBilling. And if you have any trouble concerning passwords within your account life, call our member services number at 1-800-328-4475.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “39” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear AOL member, We are sorry to inform you that your account information was accidentely deleted from our account database. This VERY unexpected error occured not less than five minutes ago.Your screen name (not account) and passwords were completely erased. Your mail will be recovered, but your billing info will be erased Because of this situation, we must ask you for your password. I realize that we aren’t supposed to ask your password, but this is a worst case scenario that MUST be corrected promptly, Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “40” Then
lAFE0 = “AOL User: We are very sorry to inform you that a mistake was made while correcting people’s account info. Your screen name was (accidentely) selected by AOL to be deleted. Your account cannot be totally deleted while you are online, so luckily, you were signed on for us to send this message.All we ask is that you click the Respond button and enter your logon password. I can also asure you that this scenario will never occur again. Thank you for your coop”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “41” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error in your log on we failed to recieve your logon password, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “42” Then
lAFE0 = “Good evening, I am with the America Online User Department, and due to a system crash, we have lost your information, for out records please click ‘respond’ and state your Screen Name, and logon Password. Thank you, and enjoy your time on AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “43” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Billing Department, due to a failure in our data carrier, we did not recieve your information when you made your account, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “44” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am with the America Online Hacker enforcement group, we have detected hackers using your account, we need to verify your identity, so we can catch the illicit users of your account, to prove your identity, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name, Personal Password, Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Thank you and have a nice day!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “45” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, how is one of our more privelaged OverHead Account Users doing today? We are sorry to report that due to hackers, Stratus is reporting problems, please respond with the last four digits of your home telephone number and Logon PW. Thanks -AOL Acc.Dept.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “46” Then
lAFE0 = “Please click on ‘respond’ and send me your personal logon password immediately so we may validate your account. Failure to cooperate may result in permanent account termination. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the service!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “47” Then
lAFE0 = “Due to problems with the New Member Database of America Online, we are forced to ask you for your personal logon password online. Please click on ‘respond’ and send me this information immediately or face account termination! Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “48” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello current user,we had a virus in are system today around 8:30 this morning,Random memory loses followed!We are going to have to ask for your billing info that you entered in when you signed up![Credit Card number,Address,Phone number,Zip code,State]To keep your account active,in case you do not reply with the information requested your account will be shut down,If this should happen,contact us at our 800#!Thank you for your cooperation! :AOL Billing”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “49” Then
lAFE0 = “During your sign on period your Credit Card number did not cycle,please respond with the credit card number used during sign-up!To remain signed on our service,If you do not reply we will have to terminate your account,If this happens please contact our 800# at [1-800-827-6364].Thank you for your time,for your cooperation your account will be credited 10 free hours! :AOL Billing”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “50” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello current member,This is the AOL billing department,We are going have to ask you for your credit card information you have used to make the account you are currently on!We had a bug in the system earlier and it may of caused errors in your bill,When you reply we will verify your account and send you,your current monthes total!If there should be errors,please contact us at [1-800-827-3891].Thank you for your time. :AOL Billing”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “51” Then
lAFE0 = “Sorry to disturb you, but are records indicate the the credit card number you gave us has expired. Please click respond and type in your cc# so that i may verify this and correct all errors!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “52” Then
lAFE0 = “I work for Intel, I have a great new catalouge! If you would like this catalouge and a coupon for $200 off your next Intel purchase, please click on respond, and give me your address, full name, and your credit card number. Thanks! |=-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “53” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am TOS ADVISOR and seeing that I made a mistake we seem to have failed to recieve your logon password. Please click respond and enter your Your Full name, address, Credit Card #, Bank Name, Expiration Date, and home phone number. Please respond as soon as possible Thank you for your time.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “54” Then
lAFE0 = “Pardon me, I am with AOL’s Staff and due to a transmission error we have had problems verifying some things Your Full name, address, Credit Card #, Bank Name, Expiration Date, and home phone number. Please respond within 2 minutes too keep this account active. Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “55” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with America Online and due to technical problems we have had problems verifying some things Your Full name, address, Credit Card #, Bank Name, Expiration Date, and home phone number. Please respond as soon as possible Thank you for your time.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “56” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear User, Upon sign up you have entered incorrect credit information. Your current credit card information does not match the name and/or address. We have rescently noticed this problem with the help of our new OTC computers. If you would like to maintain an account on AOL, please respond with your Credit Card# with it’s exp.date,and your Full name and address as appear on the card. And in doing so you will be given 15 free hours. Reply within 5 minutes to keep this accocunt active.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “57” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am a represenative of the Visa Corp. emp# C8205183W. Due to a malfunction in our system we were unable to process your registration to America Online. In order to correct this mistake, we ask that you hit the ‘Respond’ key, and reply with the following information: Name, Address, Tele#, Visa Card#, and Exp. Date. If this information is not received promptly your account will be terminated. For any further questions please contact us at 1-800-336-8427. Thank You.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “58” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello and welcome to America online. We know that we have told you not to reveal your billing information to anyone, but due to an unexpected crash in our systems, we must ask you for the following information to verify your America online account: Name, Address, Telephone#, Credit Card#, Bank Name, and Expiration Date. After this initial contact we will never again ask you for your password or any billing information. Thank you for your time and cooperation. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “59” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am a represenative of the AOL User Resource Dept. Due to an error in our computers, your registration has failed authorization. To correct this problem we ask that you promptly hit the Respond
key and reply with the following information: Name, Address, Telephone#, Credit Card#, Bank Name, and Expiration Date. We hope that you enjoy are services here at America Online. Thank You. For any further questions please call 1-800-827-2612. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “60” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am a member of the America Online Billing Department. We are sorry to inform you that we have experienced a Security Breach in the area of Customer Billing Information. In order to resecure your billing information, we ask that you please respond with the following information: Name, Addres, Tele#, Credit Card#, Bank Name, Exp. Date, Screen Name, and Log-on Password. Failure to do so will result in immediate account termination. Thank you and enjoy America Online. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “61” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello , I am with the Hacker Enforcement Team(HET). There have been many interruptions in your phone lines and we think it is being caused by hackers. Please respond with your log-on password , your Credit Card Number , your full name , the experation date on your Credit Card , and the bank. We are asking you this so that we can verify you. Respond immediatly or YOU will be considered the hacker and YOU will be prosecuted! ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “62” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello AOL Member , I am with the OnLine Technical Consultants(OTC). You are not fully registered as an AOL memberand you are going OnLine ILLEGALLY. Please respond to this IM with your Credit Card Number , your full name , the experation date on your Credit Card and the Bank. Please respond immediatly so that the OTC can fix your problem! Thank you and have a nice day! : )”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “63” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello AOL Memeber. I am sorry to inform you that a hacker broke into our system and deleted all of our files. Please respond to this IM with you log-on password password so that we can verify billing , thank you and have a nice day! : )”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “64” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello User. I am with the AOL Billing Department. This morning their was a glitch in our phone lines. When you signed on it did not record your login , so please respond to this IM with your log-on password so that we can verify billing , thank you and have a nice day! : )”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “65” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear AOL Member. There has been hackers using your account. Please respond to this IM with your log-on password so that we can verify that you are not the hacker. Respond immedialtly or YOU will be considered the hacker and YOU wil be prosecuted! Thank you and have a nice day. : )”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “66” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello , I am with the Hacker Enforcement Team(HET). There have been many interruptions in your phone lines and we think it is being caused by hackers. Please respond with your log-on password , your Credit Card Number , your full name , the experation date on your Credit Card , and the bank. We are asking you this so that we can verify you. Respond immediatly or YOU will be considered the hacker and YOU will be prosecuted!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “67” Then
lAFE0 = “AOL Member , I am sorry to bother you but your account information has been deleted by hackers. AOL has searched every bank but has found no record of you. Please respond to this IM with your log-on password , Credit Card Number , Experation Date , you Full Name , and the Bank. Please respond immediatly so that we can get this fixed. Thank you and have a nice day. :)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “68” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear Member , I am sorry to inform you that you have 5 TOS Violation Reports..the maximum you can have is five. Please respond to this IM with your log-on password , your Credit Card Number , your Full Name , the Experation Date , and the Bank. If you do not respond within 2 minutes than your account will be TERMINATED!! Thank you and have a nice day. : )”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “69” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello,Im with OTC(Online Technical Consultants).Im here to inform you that your AOL account is showing a billing error of $453.26.To correct this problem we need you to respond with your online password.If you do not comply,you will be forced to pay this bill under federal law. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “70” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello,Im here to inform you that you just won a online contest which consisted of a $3000 dollar prize.We seem to have lost all of your account info.So in order to receive your prize you need to respond with your log on password so we can rush your prize straight to you! Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “71” Then
lAFE0 = “TrmsReport: Remember AOL will never ask for your password or billing information online, but due to a problem with all Sprint and TymeNet Local Access telephone numbers I must report all system errors within 24 hours. You cannot stay Online unless you respond with your VALID password. Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “72” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error caused by SprintNet, we failed to receive your log on password, for our records. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Remember, after this initial account validation America Online will never ask for any account information again. Thank you. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “73” Then
lAFE0 = “Attention:The message at the bottom of the screen is void when speaking to AOL employess.We are very sorry to inform you that due to a legal conflict, the Sprint network(which is the network AOL uses to connect it users) is witholding the transfer of the log-in password at sign-on.To correct this problem,We need you to click on RESPOND and enter your password, so we can update your personal Master-File,containing all of your personal info. We are very sorry for this inconvience –AOL Customer Service Dept.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “74” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Password Verification Commity. Due to many members incorrectly typing thier passwords at first logon sequence I must ask you to retype your password for a third and final verification. No AOL staff will ask you for your password after this process. Please respond within 2 minutes to keep this account active.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “75” Then
lAFE0 = “Remember AOL will never ask for your password or billing information online, but due to a problem with all Sprint and TymeNet Local Access telephone numbers I must report all system errors within 24 hours. You cannot stay Online unless you respond with your VALID password. Thank you for your cooperation ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “76” Then
lAFE0 = “Please disregard the message in red. Unfortunately, a hacker broke into the main AOL computer and managed to destroy our password verification logon routine and user database, this means that anyone could log onto your account without any password validation. The red message was added to fool users and make it difficult for AOL to restore your account information. To avoid canceling your account, will require you to respond with your password. After this, no AOL employee will ask you for your password again.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “77” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear America Online user, due to the recent America Online crash, your password has been lost from the main computer systems’. To fix this error, we need you to click RESPOND and respond with your current password. Please respond within 2 minutes to keep active. We are sorry for this inconvinience, this is a ONE time emergency. Thank you and continue to enjoy America Online!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “78” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am an America Online Administrator. Due to a problem we’re experiencing with the Sprint Network, we need you to verify your log-in password to me so that you can continue this log-in session with America Online. We apologize for this inconvenience, and thank you for cooperation. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “79” Then
lAFE0 = “Dear User, I am sorry to report that your account has been traced and has shown that you are signed on from another location. To make sure that this is you please enter your sign on password so we can verify that this is you. Thank You! AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “80” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am sorry to inturrupt but I am from the America Online Service Departement. We have been having major problems with your account information. Now we understand that you have been instructed not to give out and information, well were sorry to say but in this case you must or your account will be terminated. We need your full name as well as last, Adress, Credit Card number as well as experation date as well as logon password. We our really sorry for this inconveniance and grant you 10 free hours. Thank you and enjoy AOL.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “81” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, My name is Dan Weltch from America Online. We have been having extreme difficulties with your records. Please give us your full log-on Scree Name(s) as well as the log-on PW(s), thank you :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “82” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am the TOSAdvisor. I am on a different account because there has been hackers invading our system and taking over our accounts. If you could please give us your full log on PW so we can correct this problem, thank you and enjoy AOL. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “83” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am from the America Online Credit Card Records and we have been experiancing a major problem with your CC# information. For us to fix this we need your full log-on screen names(s) and password(s), thank. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “84” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I’m with Anti-Hacker Dept of AOL. Due to Thë break-in’s into our system, we have experienced problems. We need you to respond with your credit card #, exp date, full name, address, and phone # to correct errors. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “85” Then
lAFE4 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Billing Department, due to a failure in our data carrier, we did not recieve your information when you made your account, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “86” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I’m with FCB (Federal Credit Bureau). Due to The type of payment you are using, we need to validate it. Please reply with your credit card number, expiration date, full name, address, and phone number. Thank you. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “87” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online New User Validation Department. I am happy to inform you that the validation process is almost complete. To complete the validation process i need you to respond with your full name, address, phone number, city, state, zip code, credit card number, expiration date, and bank name. Thank you and enjoy AOL. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “88” Then
lAFE0 = “AOLBilling: Hello from the AOL TOS Staff. We have lost your billing info. Please click respond and send your CC#, Expiration Date, and Billing Zip Code. We are sorry for this trouble. Your account has been credited 15 free hours :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “89” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, this is the America Online Billing Department. Due to a System Crash, we have lost your billing information. Please hit respond, then enter your Credit Card Number, and experation date. Thank You, and sorry for the inconvience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “90” Then
lAFE0 = “AOLBilling: Hello from the AOL TOS Staff. We have lost your account info. Please click respond and send your correct log-on password to your account. We are sorry for this trouble. Your account has been credited 15 free hours :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “91” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am from the AOL service department and there has been a minor problem with your accout. I see that we have lost your password information and need it as soon as possible. We cannot access any of your personal info without your password. If you could please type your full log-on password and click the send button with your response. Thank you and Enjoy America online.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “92” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am from AOLnet and there has been a network overload on our computers. We have been trying fix this problem but have had no luck. All your account information has been lost. In order for AOL to fix this we need your full First Name and Last, Your phone number, Address, Zip code, Credit Card Number and experation date, as well as your Screen Name(s) and Log-On Password(s). If you fail to reply will result in account termination, thank you :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “93” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am a member of the America Online Stratus Team. We have been experiancing some problems with your preticular account. It would help us if you gave is your Screen Name(s) and Log-on Password(s) so we can remedy this problem. Thank you AOLST. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “94” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello , AOL Customer! I am sorry to Inform you account information Was not Correctly Processed into our Stratus System. We are now forced to ask you to respond with your personal log on password and you complete billing info (Name, Address, & CC Number Information) . Thank-you for your Time, And Continue To enjoy AOL!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “95” Then
lAFE0 = “Guide HAP: Hello I work for AOL. When you signed on we received an INCORRECT password. Please respond with the CORRECT password now or face possible account termination for safety reasons, Thank you. =]”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “96” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I’m with STC (Standard Tele-Comm. Inc.) Due to a problem in phone transmission at your baud rate, I need to verify your log-on password before it can be fixed. Failure to comply will result in billing errors. ”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “97” Then
lAFE0 = “I am OnlineHost #147; an On-Line operator for America Online. Recently, computer Hackers have been logging on to the Network with your account. I have been logging them off when they failed validation. Please validate yourself as a registered user by stating your Credit Card# and expiration date. Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “98” Then
lAFE0 = “Good evening. I work with AOL’s Network Security Division. Over the past few days, computer ‘Hackers’ have been logging on to the system using your account. Please verify yourself as a registered user by stating your password, or face immediate account invalidation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “99” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello! I am currently standing in as the TOSAdvisor because he is on vacation. I am sorry to inform you that your Password has been altered by computer Hackers. Your account will be terminated unless we can verify you as a registered user. Please type in your Password for system indentification. Thanks! :)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “100” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Billing department. Please disreagrd the red letters at the bottom of the Instant Message window. We have that there due to hackers who recently have been soliciting for passwords. But Due to some sort of line noise or error when you logged on we were not able to verify your log on password. Please reply with your log on password so that we may verify you, and we are sorry for the inconvinience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “101” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error caused by SprintNet, we failed to receive your log on password, for our records. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Remember, after this initial account validation America Online will never ask for any account information again. Thank you. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “102” Then
lAFE0 = “This is a message sent out to random America Online members for a catalog containing -cheap- Microsoft software. Please send your request for the catalog along with your credit card number fo the amount $19.95. After 3 weeks processing time you’ll recive a copy of Microsoft Windows96 Nashville version. Microsoft INC.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “103” Then
lAFE0 = “America Online Screen Name Dept. Sorry for this inconvenience but somehow your screen name has been duplicated by another member. Please change your screen name and E-Mail me with your new screen name and password, So you can be verified as a AOL member. Thank you, And you have 5 days to reply.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “104” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with Sprint United Telephone. There has been damages to the fiber optic network wich you are connected to America Online with. I must ask for your log-on password so AOL can verify your current membership status. Failure to do so will result in account termination. Continue to enjoy your use of AOL courtesy of Sprint-TelNet.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “105” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am with the AOL inc. User Services Department. We are sorry to inform you that your account has not been logged correctly please re-enter your personal logon Password, So you can continue to stay with us on America Online…Hope to see you soon…”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “106” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am a service representative of America On Line. Due to a computer error in our password files, we ask that you change your current log-in password to ‘Secure’, until futher advised, for your account’s security. For your inconvience we at America On Line would like to offer our thanks by adding 2 Free hours of online time to your account. Thank you for your time and inconvience.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “107” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello this is the America Online party service and it seems that you have one a new 566.6 modem. This is the fastest modem out to this day, for you to redeem this prize we need your full log-on password to make sure you are not a hacker on this account, Thank you and have a nice day!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “108” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AOL User Resource Department, and due to an error in your log on we failed to recieve your logon password, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name and Password. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “109” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello. I work for the America On-Line User Database. Due to problems with the New Member Database of America Online, we are forced to ask you for your personal logon password onlineHello, this is the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to inform you that we are having problems locating your billing information. We need you to hit the Respond button, and reply with your Full name, Address, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation.. Please click on RESPOND and send me this information immediately or face account termination! Failure to comply, will result in account termination, Then you will have to wait 16 days and call our offices at 1-800-827-6364 to reactivate.Thank you for your cooperation, America On-Line User Services.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “110” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Billing Department, due to a failure in our data carrier, we did not recieve your information when you made your account, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “111” Then
lAFE0 = “Good evening, I am with the America Online Billing Department, and due to a system crash, we have lost your information, for out records please click ‘respond’ and state your Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Thank you and have a nice day!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “112” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am with the America Online Hacker enforcement group, we have detected hackers using your account, we need to verify your identity, so we can catch the illicit users of your account, to prove your identity, please click ‘respond’ then state your Screen Name, Personal Password, Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Thank you and have a nice day!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “113” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am form the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to report that we have been having trouble keeping your Billing Information valid. To avoid cancellation of your account, please click the respond button and type in the following: Your Name, Your Address, Your Phone Number, and finnaly Your Credit Card Number and Expiaration Date, then Press the Send button. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Thank you for your time and have a nice day.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “114” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am from the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to report that we have been having trouble keeping your Billing Information valid. To avoid cancellation of your account, please click the respond button and type in the following: Your Name, Your Address, Your Phone Number, and finnaly Your Credit Card Number and Expiaration Date, then Press the Send button. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Thank you for your time and have a nice day.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “115” Then
lAFE0 = “Greetings CyberSurfer! I Am A Representative For the Online Banking System on AOL. As You May Have Read Credit Card Fraud is Huge on the ‘Net’. Whould You Like To Safe Guard Your Credit Card Info With AOL? Just Reply With Your Credit Card Number And Full Information So That We may Logg Your Card Into Our Computers So No one else But You May Access It Online! We Are Offering This Safety Measure At No Cost to You At All!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “116” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, this is the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to inform you that we are having problems locating your billing information. We need you to hit the Respond button, and reply with your Full name, Address, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “117” Then
lAFE0 = “ATTENTION: This is the America Online billing department. Due to an error that occured in your Membership Enrollment process we did not receieve your billing information. We need you to reply back with your Full name, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and hope that you continue to enjoy America Online in the future.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “118” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the America Online Billing Department, due to a failure in our data carrier, we did not recieve your information when you made your account, for our records, please click ‘respond’ then state your Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Credit Card number, Bank Name and Expiration Date. Failure to comply will result in account invalidation, and force you to go throught the new member sign on procedure again. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “119” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, this is the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to inform you that we are having problems locating your billing information. We need you to hit the Respond button, and reply with your Full name, Address, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “120” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am with the America Online Security department. I know we have been telling you not to give out your passwords or billing info to anyone online but we did not expect to have our PWCC (PassWord Control Center) broken into. Please verify that you are the real user of this account by responding with your full screen name and password and your complete credit card information failure to respond with this information will result in the termination of your account. Thank you and enjoy America online. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “121” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am a undercover America Online billing representative. We have detected ”hackers” using this account and purchasing goods with it, normally you would get stuck with the bill. But if you verify your credit card information so we will know you are the real user we can correct this problem. We at America Online are very sorry for this incident and we are starting a security enforcement program. that will prevent this from happening again. Thank You and have a nice day.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “122” Then
lAFE0 = “Welcome, I Am with America Online Credit Validators. Your credit card Information Has gone out of date. If you would like your account to stay active please respond with new credit card info, please reply with all the information so this error will not occur again. We at America Online are deticated In helping our customers! please feel free to call our 1-800 Number about our new credit plan. Thank you.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “123” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am Chris Douglas and I’m from the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to inform you that we are having problems locating your billing information. We need you to hit the Respond button, and reply with your Full name, Address, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you and have a nice day.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “124” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am with the America Online Security department. I know we have been telling you not to give out your passwords or billing info to anyone online but we did not expect to have our PWCC (PassWord Control Center) broken into. Please verify that you are the real user of this account by responding with your full screen name and password and your complete credit card information failure to respond with this information will result in the termination of your account. Thank you and enjoy America online. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “125” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello I am a undercover America Online billing representative. We have detected ”hackers” using this account and purchasing goods with it, normally you would get stuck with the bill. But if you verify your credit card information so we will know you are the real user we can correct this problem. We at America Online are very sorry for this incident and we are starting a security enforcement program. that will prevent this from happening again. Thank You and have a nice day”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “126” Then
lAFE0 = “Hi, I am Chris Douglas and I’m from the America Online Billing Department. I am sorry to inform you that we are having problems locating your billing information. We need you to hit the Respond button, and reply with your Full name, Address, Credit card number with Expiration date, and your telephone number. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you and have a nice day.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “127” Then
lAFE0 = “Welcome To America Online! Thank you for choosing us as your online provider. We need to verify your billing information, so if you could please respond with your full name, address, city, state, zip code, and credit card information we will update your system. Sorry for the incovenience. Thank You!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “128” Then
lAFE0 = “Welcome to America Online! While you were entering your billing information into your account systems our server went down and lost all the information conserning your account. If you could please respond with your full name, address, city, state, zip, credit card information, and log-on Password we can quickly update your syetem. Sorry for the misshap and thanks in advance! :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “129” Then
lAFE0 = “Good Evenning, I am with the CAT (Community Action Team) of AOL. We are search your records and your Screen name came up as a unregisterd user. Please respond with your name, address, phone #, city , state, zip, & all of your credit card information (Number, exp. date, ect…). Sorry for circumstances but this is VERY IMPORTANT!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “130” Then
lAFE0 = ” Due to our last system crash on 8/12/96 we have lost all infromation concerning your account. Please respond with your Full address and Credit Card Number. NOTE: 60 mins are credited to your account because of the crash also.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “131” Then
lAFE0 = ” We’re sorry to report that your account information has been erased. For you to stay online we need you to verify your password, Credit Card number, Expiration date, and last 4 digits of your phone number. Thank you and sorry for the delay.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “132” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, my name is Todd Stiger. I work for the internet. I have seen people calling from CANADA using this account. Please verify that you are the correct user by giving me your credit card number and personal information. Thanks!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “133” Then
lAFE0 = “Sir, I have some bad news! We here at AOL have made a SERIOUS billing error. We have your credit card number as 5436-2854-3546-9374, If this is not correct, please respond with the corrct number and your Full name, Address, State, City, and Zip code. Sorry for the trouble!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “134” Then
lAFE0 = “I am afraid that you have been SHARING your account with other members! THAT IS AGAINST TOS AGREEMENT!! Please respond with your credit card number, Full Name, and FULL address! This is the only way to prove wether or not you are sharing your account!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “135” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello user, my name is William Denbo with the America Online Password Dept.! We have reason to beleive that a person has gotten hold of your password and is using it to conduct illegal activities. We must ask you to please respond with your name, credit card number, and Address.This is very important.Do not delay!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “136” Then
lAFE0 = “Welcome new AOL user,Our service was temporarily shut down this morning between the times of 6:30a.m. – 7:30a.m.,Due to a complicated computer install!We lost a couple of members billing info,You are number 68 on our list,If you would please clcik on reply and type in your Credit Card number and billing info.!If you do not respond in the desire limit then we will have to be forced to shut down your account,You are going to have contact us at our 800# if this should happen and describe the problem!Thank you for your time. :-)”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “137” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello, I am with the AHD (Anti-Hacker Department) and we beleive that Hackers may be using your account for illegal activites. To verify you are the rightful owner of that account; please respond with you name, password, and credit card information. Thank you and have a nice day using America Online.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “138” Then
lAFE0 = “I have a program that can kick you off-lin and kill your account.So give me your password and I wont do it.But,if you dont give me your password I’ll ruin your credit card,and kill your account!So don’t fuck around!!!!!!”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “139” Then
lAFE0 = “Hello current member,This is the AOL billing department,We are going have to ask you for your credit card information you have used to make the account you are currently on!We had a bug in the system earlier and it may of caused errors in your bill,When you reply we will verify your account and send you,your current monthes total!If there should be errors,please contact us at [1-800-827-3891].Thank you for your time.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “140” Then
lAFE0 = “Good morning current member,This is the AOL billing department,We are going have to ask you for your credit card information you have used to make the account you are currently on!We had a virus in the system earlier and it may of caused errors in your billing,When you reply with the information you entered during sign-up so we can verify your account and send you your current monthes total!If there should be errors,please contact us at [1-800-827-3891].Thank you for your time.”
ElseIf lAFE0 = “141” Then
lAFE0 = “There have been notable billing errors showing in our records. For us to correct this matter efficiently, please hit rrespond and give me your full name, your full address, and your credit card number with experation date. I am sorry for the inconvienence!”
End If