
If you ever want to load a tool twice for some reason or just morph a tool (like what was done with 3.0) there is an easy way to do this. For example lets say I wanted to change's ID so that AOL wouldn't say "Not Authorized to use the master tool." All you have to do is first run the manage tool…

AIM Away Message Buffer Overflow Exploit

* AIM Away Message Buffer Overflow Exploit
* Exploit by John Bissell A.K.A. HighT1mes
* Exploit:
* ========
* drizzit.c
* Vulnerable Software:
* ====================
* – AIM 5.5.3588
* – AIM 5.5.3590 Beta
* – AIM 5.5.3591
* – AIM 5.5.3595
* and a couple others versions…
* If you want to try other return addressees for other versions of
* AIM then edit the return address.. But the current one embedded
* will work for sure with all the AIM versions listed above.
* I used some of the metasploit shellcode for this exploit with some
* modifications to get this into stealth mode so it is harder to
* detect the attack. Since I’m using metasploit shellcode that means this
* exploit can be used on any NT type OS, like win2k, winnt, winxp across
* any service pack.. I don’t know about SP2 though I haven’t tested
* it yet.

AOL Instant Messenger is hacked

Three 17-year-olds take credit for inserting pornographic images into America Online’s widely used chat service. Users of the latest version of AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM) software started encountering an unpleasant surprise on Saturday morning: At least three crackers -- malicious hackers -- began inserting pornographic images into "AIM Today" and vandalizing content on at least four screens of the chat software. Since last August, users…


3char was an idea concocted by Kenton and Pacman a few weeks ago while on a phone conference with Mage and some others.  Everyone on the conference was saying “3CHAR!” and “I WILL PUNT JOO” in funny voices.  I wish I had it recorded.  I talked with Pacman about buying the domain and he did.  None of the stuff here is real, it’s just funny.  It’s meant to be a spoof of “real” AOL news sites like,,, etc.  Enjoy.  We should be moving webhosters in the next week or so, so don’t freak out when you get a DNS error.

Comments are welcome:

Pacman –
AIM: pacman

Kenton –
AIM: kenton

Viowatch –

Mage –



THEY'RE BACK, AND THEY'RE BETTER THAN EVER! Saturday, October 15, 2005 My goodness, I received an email recently from a long retired pimp from many years ago. The one and only CandyMan sends his regards to all the pimps who continue with the daily struggle of finding some ho's to slap around. Candy of course, being one of the founding fathers of the warez scene,…
Rajuabju Warez Page

Rajuabju Warez Page

I want to use this page to talk about my experiences with Warez, and with Arise in specific, as well as saying hello to all my "friends" on IRC! The first warez group I was ever a part of was W.A.Y. back in the days of AOL 2.0 and 9600 baud modems. This is when we would distribute Leisure Suit Larry and Kings Quest and…
Cow Pasture #1

Cow Pasture #1

FuCkeRH0sT: *** You are in “Cow Pasture”. ***
FuCkeRH0sT: ZzzZZvVvVv has entered the room.
FuCkeRH0sT: Gendronsux has entered the room.
Whoohah2: Guide PLEASE send me the guide app.!
WhitMarie: Ya I asked you if you’d like to play some T or D with me .. it would be alot more fun then
WhitMarie: THiS!
FuCkeRH0sT: SKAxHOrSe has left the room.
FuCkeRH0sT: SKAxHOrSe has entered the room.
HoSSxMaN7: SuP RooM
Guide HUB: No thanks, Whit…
Ken 777: |
Ken 777: |.|
Ken 777: |.|
FuCkeRH0sT: SKAxHOrSe has left the room.

Cow Pasture #2

Cow Pasture #2

FuCkeRH0sT: *** You are in “Cow Pasture”. ***
HoSSxMaN8: Hello all.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Hey HoSSxMan!!
Guide KJL: Zzzz…I don’t know about that…
FuCkeRH0sT: KiLL4SSA1 has entered the room.
Guide KJL: it’s not my department.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Do ya’ll really meet in WhoviIIi?
HoSSxMaN8: Who has a gateway?
Guide KJL: Pomp…cuz we like this room!
WwABBawW: guide you can TOS some1 yourself right?
HoSSxMaN8: What about Padde Ceii
FuCkeRH0sT: BaLLa r0x has entered the room.
ZzzZvvVVVv: becuase there were so many people in here before
HoSSxMaN8: BaLLa..SuP

Forever 1.7 (Read Me)

Forever V1.7 was made by Flake for the MP3 Group ‘Forever’.
This version was created Sept-3-99
If there are any BUGs or Suggestions email me at (
The Flake Homepage is

I wana say peace out to:
ReLLiK_A – Fuck it all!!! 101% pure good times!
Gryphon – Keep learning man. and remember “abandone all hope”
The Mad Butcher – Dude we are a good team.
Fuel – You are the king of VB. Thanks
Darkmoon – Thanks and now Dark is HUGE!
Coasty (of gcmp3) – You are the dopest, thanks.