X’er Phrases

just got a dick shoved in their mouth you've been ignored up the ass just got their tongue cut off just got smacked in the mouth with ignore you've been blessed to ignore you've been blessed by god enjoy being mute just got a banana shoved down their throat you've been blessed by the ignore god just got my foot shoved in their mouth just…
The Matrix Screen Saver

The Matrix Screen Saver

Download * The Matrix Screen Saver * * Version 1.06 - 17 January 2002 * Copyright 2000 - Meticulous Software * www.meticulous-software.co.uk * All Warner Bros copyrights acknowledged * * Written By * Philip Symons * * Matrix-Code Graphics * Andrew Lucas-Dean * ******************************************************************* Thank-you for downloading the definitive Matrix screensaver !!Now there's no reason to run the dreadful 'official' one.If you like it then…