AoMess Read Me

AOMess v3.0 FiNaL! Sept 1995
I now present you with a non-beta, complete MeSS!
– Mass Mail
– Bust In
– Three-line scroller
– Find Mail
– The LynX CD Player
– Mail Bomb
– BombFixer
– Punter
– DriveHell
– Da UsuaLs
– Options Saver
– Load AOL
– a clock…… so you can see how long ago you should have
gone to sleep.

How Did Ryan Johnson aka RJ2 Die?

How Did Ryan Johnson aka RJ2 Die?

Source: Anthony Lozano August 11 at 8:35am Anyone know the legitimacy of this (the details.. not his death)? I just found it snooping around a little deeper on the google... This never popped up before when I did a basic search?! All I've read about his death was that he was "trapped in an upstairs bathroom". This says he was essentially murdered it sounds…

TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description


TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description By Ankit Fadia

TCP\IP or Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol is a stack or collection of various protocols. A
protocol is basically the commands or instructions using which two computers within a local network or the
Internet can exchange data or information and resources.

Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol or the TCP\IP was developed around the time of the
ARPAnet. It is also known as the Protocol Suite. It consists of various protocols but as the TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) and the IP (Internet Protocol) are the most, well known of the suite of
protocols, the entire family or suite is called the TCP\IP suite.

The TCP\ IP Suite is a stacked suite with various layers stacked on each other, each layer looking after one
aspect of the data transfer. Data is transferred from one layer to the other. The Entire TCP\ IP suite can be
broken down into the below layers-:



'Ok This is Har0 here.This is VERSION 2.0 'Of My AOL 4.0 BAS. My Last One Sucked Ass 'This one is AWESOME!. I love all the colors 'and how the bas werks!.I hope u got this from 'KNK or HIDER or Death Online. 'FOR QUESTIONS AND SHIT EMAILME AT:ItsHar0@JUNO.COM 'To get codes goto-httP:// 'SOme shit about this bas is that 'It is used to make…
Early Phishing

Early Phishing

Koceilah Rekouche

The history of phishing traces back in important ways to the mid-1990s when hacking
software facilitated the mass targeting of people in password stealing scams on America
Online (AOL). The first of these software programs was mine, called AOHell, and it was
where the word phishing was coined. The software provided an automated password
and credit card-stealing mechanism starting in January 1995. Though the practice of
tricking users in order to steal passwords or information possibly goes back to the
earliest days of computer networking, AOHell’s phishing system was the first automated
tool made publicly available for this purpose. 1 The program influenced the creation of
many other automated phishing systems that were made over a number of years. These
tools were available to amateurs who used them to engage in a countless number of
phishing attacks. By the later part of the decade, the activity moved from AOL to other
networks and eventually grew to involve professional criminals on the internet. What
began as a scheme by rebellious teenagers to steal passwords evolved into one of the
top computer security threats affecting people, corporations, and governments.

AOL Prog Passwords

All Passwords Are Case Sensitive. Prog Name Password Acid Burn PiXY RuLEz You! Adidas toolz poiuyt Afterlife Eraser is GoD Agent Orange I Crap On Lamers America Off Line maxuck or ivan is a fairy Anti Mass Mailer bud is blah AoBliss Tosser Welcome to the wonderful world of Bliss AOExtacy BoW 2 MaTT AOExtacy Phisher Matt is king   AOFuck 1."PiXY RuLEZ!" 2."WaNG DanG"…


AOL Warez Group UPS - Celebrating 3 Years of AOL Dominance! United Pirating Services! Macro created by X99.   "Found this on a blog below:" History of UPS: Me and a friend of mine started it at my apartment in 1992 back then it was TeRL(me) and DeathWish and WeaponX the scene has changed so much since then. I still attribute my love of computers…
RIP Brand0n

RIP Brand0n

Detectives discover moonshine amid Murrells Inlet death investigation MURRELLS INLET, SC (WMBF) - One man was confirmed deceased at a condo unit at the Royal Garden Resort, located off Waccamaw Drive North. Detectives and special operations units responded to the scene at a condo unit in Murrells Inlet on Monday afternoon. Brandon Tarlton, 40, of Murrells Inlet was found deceased at the condo. The autopsy…

accom2 [Read Me]

[ac²] a-c chat commands² by fifa [ac²] new and improved [ac²] 150+ ops alright, now, i know you all looooved a-c chat commands version1 ;P, but i thought that it rather, uhm, sucked! so, i re-did basically everything and i added a hella lot more ops, almost double that of version1, i think that you will really enjoy this prog. it is prob one of…

MadJester [Read Me]

Hello, You Should Have Downloaded this prog from or If you didnt DL it from one of these places then some lame ass bastard is linking my progz. If this continues then I may not be able to maintain my site like I do. Please mail me at and tell me the persons website address. It takes a lot of work to…