Simple Idle [Read Me]

thanks for downloading simple idle. this is my first program for aol that has ccom options, but i think i did a good job with it. much help was given from sinn and myke, thank you guys very much. again, thank you, and enjoy. works for aol 7-8. **beta copy only

PUMA Idler [Read Me]

------------------------------ PUMA Idler By Tacoboy ------------------------------ yeah i know i made another idler and its the best but i made this one for people that wanna state the reason and put their link and all that. this should be easy for you to use but if you dont know how to use it contact me: and i just wanna say WSUP JESSICA

Pete Rocks v2 Idler [Read Me]

Released: August 13, 2000   Well I know I promised Link Options in v2 but I thought that I should just make a Linker instead, theres nothing really different in pèté-røcks idlér² except the interface is a little different and now the idler counts minutes and hours, so I hope you enjoy my idler. -pèté-røck   visit more elite progs   Shout Outs to:…

Pete Rocks Idler [Read Me]

Released on July 17, 2000 Well what could I say this is my first prog(program) I know it sucks ass but wait till new versions will come out In pétè-røcks idlér v2 I'll try to have link options and a interface =oD so enjoy my idler -pétè-røck   for comments or info e-mail me at "" P.S - I don't give a fuck if you…

Kryptonite MiXer [Read Me]

Kryptonite MiXer contains \/ Idler + chat linker with 1 min links and single links.. this was made on 3-5-2000 for aol 4.0 and aol 5.0 this was beta tested by one of my good friends chrome ice check out his site at there have been reports of a needed "vb40032.dll...I have a ghetto computer and my comp does not read dll files so…

Insane idler v1 [Read Me]

Well this is my first idle l ever made l think it's pretty cool for a little idle that comes in use all the time for my next idler that will be InSane Idler² by: tek so make sure you download that also that will have a new i-face and more options... well later -tek   Shout Outz to: Init Esco Pete-Rock Tri Wix Kaz…
Idle2 [Read Me]

Idle2 [Read Me]

yo sup this is xerox...if u have any problems or anything then contact me... aim: i b xerox or xerox sez mail: ...commands... afk why (turns on afk) afkoff (turns off afk) min (minimizes idleology) max (maximizes idleology) exit (unloads idleology) reason why (sets the reason why u werea afk) msgnum number(sets the msg number) msgoff (turns msg record off) link (scrolls the link…

Glum 2 [Read Me]

wassup pplz well thanx for using my idle glum² its my second fully done program but its pretty much the same as my first versoin of glum1.² but just added things to it well i hope u like it if u dont o well just erase it and its all gude, aiight then peeps im out -one- ps here is some instructions b4 u activate…

Curb-ified idler [Read Me]

curb-ified idler .:. by curb 1. This is my first prog, and the first version of it, so yes, its kind of lame. To fully exit the program, hit [ ctrl. alt del. ] and close the prog- ram. 2. For idler links. make < a href="">blah blah blah</a>. 3. If you close the main idler i-face, the idle reason automa- tically goes to "N/A"…

bbl idle [Read Me]

sizzle nizzle? ty for downloading my proggie bbl idle³ and heres some tips for you: dont try to pose as me cuz if you do and i find out i shall tree you...not in the chat...if you hex it..only --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if your idle reason is 'download' or 'upload' then it will scroll the download or upload line whichever one u put. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link this idler…