739 Search results

For the term "nk".
January 27, 2014

PC Client Cloning

Date 1997 it could be done using AOL 3.0 32-bit and later using 4.0 and 2.5Founded VariousSubmitted By TauSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive...

January 27, 2014

Mac Chat Manipulation

Date 1996Founded UnknownSubmitted By HypahSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive Typing ]D or ]F on Mac AOL 2.7 or older would unlock null...

January 27, 2014

VPD Version 50a

Date Late 1996Founded UnknownSubmitted By O0OSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive There were various versions of VPD but one of the first for...