1998 America Online Tokens
****America Online Tokens****
(adapted from token_list)
(This document must have attribute viewrule_151. For further assistance contact OpsSec)
gv All casino games special tokens casino NU
$A Add product to shopping cart clerk NU
$B Request billing information clerk
$C Begin checkout process clerk
$D Delete product from cart clerk
$F Request clerk form w/pop clerk
$I Show store information clerk
$L List items in shopping cart clerk NU
$M Get billing method clerk
$P Show product desc clerk NU
$S Request shipping information clerk
$V View product from cart clerk
$b Process internal billing info clerk
$d Delete product from cart clerk
$f Request clerk form clerk
$E modify_cart_entry clerk2
$G get_product(ext id appd to ft 1) clerk2 NU
$Q process quantity clerk2
$R retrieve_product(int_id=hard_cod clerk2 NU
$a add_store clerk2
$c display_cart clerk2
$e delete_entry_from_cart clerk2
$g request_store_id(ext_id) clerk2 NU
$h process_store_id(ext_id) clerk2
$i process_internal_bill clerk2
$j return_to_product_summary clerk2
$k process_checkout clerk2
$l process_list_option clerk2
$m modify_store clerk2
$n remove_from_cart_screen clerk2
$o display_product_option clerk2
$p display_product_summary clerk2
$r process_radio_option clerk2
$s display_about_this_store clerk2
$t process_text_option clerk2
$u copy from_bill_to clerk2
$v process_ship_to clerk2
$w delete_store clerk2
$x request_cc_info clerk2
$y process_cc_info clerk2
$z process_bill_to clerk2
$W enter promotional area clerk_special NU
$X specify machine type clerk_special
$Y specify product choice clerk_special
$Z provide shipping info clerk_special
dM Set domain – message board collector
eT Start mail text entry collector NU
C1 Request collection contents collman
C2 Request more collection contents collman
C3 Request lastest stories collman
C4 Sign up for Live Wire collman NU
C5 Cancel LiveWire registration collman
C6 Reset collman domain collman
C7 Show “where” info collman
Ct Get indexed coll w/atoms collman
Ca Request collection contents collman2 NU
Cb Request more collection contents collman2
Cc Request latest stories collman2
Cd Sign up for Live Wire collman2 NU
Ce Cancel LiveWire registration collman2
Cf Reset collman2 domain collman2
Cg Open Coll info for Edit collman2 NU
Ch Modify Coll info collman2
Ci Act on named collection collman2 NU
Cj Convert Overwrite Confirm collman2
Ck Send collman form collman2
Cm Display item for edit collman2
Cn Cut item from collection collman2
Co Copy item from collection collman2
Cp Paste item (above) to collection collman2
Cq Paste item (below) to collection collman2
Cr Start add item to collection collman2
Cs Add/Update item data collman2