Inside-AOL was started in 1998. If you have already read the disclaimer and agree with it you may enter here. Some artwork, logos, and information are Copyright 1997, America Online,…

Another website that was hosted by “Russell Handorf” aka Satanklawz. Satanklawz hosts all the servers, and does mostly all the technical stuff. Title: Chief of Security Joined Badmotherfucker: 7/26/00 Sex:…


IcyHotStunnaz updated on 01/24/03 fake stunta sites out there get the dillz. we dont got time for this internet junk. hataz get the balls.

Editing Sign On List

Editing Sign On List

Here you will learn how to modify the screen names on your sign on list. There are a few reasons why you might do this: Add frequently used guest accounts/phish…

AOL IP Addresses

AOL IP Addresses

IP stands for Internet Protocol address. Internet Sites and people who connect online have an IP address. An Internet Protocol address indentifies your online connection. There are two types of…

AOL Roll Dice

AOL Roll Dice

  Many people know the chat command: //roll But not many people know how to specify the number of dice and number of sides: //roll-dice##-sides### The amount of dice can…

The Scene News

The Scene News

  Monday 2st November (12:00pm GMT) – The Scene Really Sucks The warez groups are nothing more than a bunch of anal licking faggots. All they do is make stupid…



Borg Created by Gregory Magarshak TO:Greg Magarshak P.O.Box 350-592 Brooklyn, NY 11235 Please send me the newest BorG. I have enclosed three dollars. My email address is: ____________@____________ [] I…