The Hackers Handbook [Read Me]
T H E H A C K E R ‘ S H A N D B O O K Copyright (c) Hugo Cornwall All rights reserved First published in Great…
T H E H A C K E R ‘ S H A N D B O O K Copyright (c) Hugo Cornwall All rights reserved First published in Great…
May 1993 CrackAid V3.39 by Rawhide of The Humble Guys – UK’s finest
All Passwords Are Case Sensitive. Prog Name Password Acid Burn PiXY RuLEz You! Adidas toolz poiuyt Afterlife Eraser is GoD Agent Orange I Crap On Lamers America Off Line maxuck… Arise Macro Created by X99 About Arise Warez A long, long, time ago, hehe, I was in a group called DGG. GaL ran the group and eventually I…
Monday 2st November (12:00pm GMT) – The Scene Really Sucks The warez groups are nothing more than a bunch of anal licking faggots. All they do is make stupid…
to use this make sure your AIM screen name is registered, and also make sure the mail account you are bombing does not have any AIM screen names registered. it…
FEDERATION – GUIDANCE FOR OVERHEAD AND STAFF USERS ————————————————– July 23 1995 Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi! – and welcome to Federation. This document is intended to provide guidance for overhead and…
The following is a summary of AOL’s “Kids Only Channel Policies.” The AAC is obligated to follow these policies at all times. (from “Document Version 2.32”). All items are direct…
**>> FEDERATION GREETER’S GUIDE 96.09.30 TOS SECTION HOW TO DEAL WITH TOS PROBLEMS It’s a sad fact that part of your job is to act as a Fed Cop and…
Netcat 1.10 =========== Netcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable “back-end”…