SubSeven V2.10 IRC BOT

File From:  ‎Friday, ‎November ‎26, ‎1999, ‏‎3:06:32 PM

*******************SubSeven V2.10 IRC BOT**********************


Firstly one your IRC bot joins your IRC channel you have to
identify to it so that it accepts commands from you.
When you set up the bot you would have set a prefix most
probably. At default it is just @ but lets say we selected hell@
then all our commands would be prefixed with hell@. OK now we identify
to the bot and to do this we send hell@login password if the password
set for bot login was firez then we would send this hell@login firez
Take note of spaces or the commands will not work properly.
It is strongly suggested that you send all commands to the bot in
/query botnick (prvmsg mode) rather than in open chan where someone
will see your bot login password and prefix.


login password – the bot will verify acceptance of password

help – displays the help menu

newpass password – sets a new login password

join #channelname key – bot joins designated channel

cycle #chan – It will cycle the chan you told it to cycle. If you do not specify
a chan it will cycle the current chan.

op #chan nickname – gives operator status to the specified nick in the specified chan.

deop #chan nickname – removes operator status

quit quitmsg – quits and displays leaving msg

nick newnickname – changes bot nickname

raw rawcommand – allows you to enter a raw irc server command

prefix newprefix – allows you to set a new command prefix

ban #chan nickname – bans specified user

unban #chan nickname – unbans specified user

say #chan/nickname texttosay – says text in channel

info – will report the current server settings

kick #chan nick – will kick the specified user

reroute #chan/nickname #chan/nickname – this will reroute everything said from first entry
to the second entry.

reroute<> #chan/nickname #chan/nickname – will reroute both ways

rroff – cancels reroute NB if you send reroute command again it overrides first reroute command.

Commands for operating the bot on a remote server.

spy_login #server port – ie spy_login 7000 would log bot also onto dalnet.

spy_nick newnickname – nickname on remote server

spy_join #chan key – remote chan to join

spy_part partreason

spy_quit – quits remote server but do not specify a reason

spy_start #chan/nickname #chan/nickname – the first parameter is on the remote server and
the second parameter ir on the local server.

spy_start<> #chan/nickname #chan/nickname – the first parameter is on the remote server and
the second parameter ir on the local server. This links the chans and sends text both ways.
Note not only can you see what is said on a distand server but they can see what you say on the
local server. Do not use this if you wish to exercise stealth.

spy_stop – stops spy mode


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