- *
- The Matrix Screen Saver *
- *
- Version 1.06 – 17 January 2002 *
- Copyright 2000 – Meticulous Software *
- www.meticulous-software.co.uk *
- All Warner Bros copyrights acknowledged *
- *
- Written By *
- Philip Symons *
- *
- Matrix-Code Graphics *
- Andrew Lucas-Dean *
- *
Thank-you for downloading the definitive Matrix screensaver !!
Now there’s no reason to run the dreadful ‘official’ one.
If you like it then email us : thematrix@geodesic.force9.co.uk
Future Notes
Currently the screen saver does not support multiple monitors.
I plan to rectify this in a later version.
Release Notes
Version 1.06
1) Fixed Defaults button on settings window didn’t reset all the settings.
Version 1.05
1) Added new settings window with lots of settings
Version 1.03
1) Fixed speed regulation problems with the phone decode section.
Version 1.02
1) Modified for differences in the way Windows 2000 caches and handles
GDI calls that was interfering with the animation flow.
Version 1.01
1) Plugged some resource leaks.
Version 1.00
1) First Version
How to install…
Simply copy the THEMATRIX.SCR file into your Windows directory.
If you are running Win95 or Win98 then this will probably be
called C:\WINDOWS
If you are runnging WinNT 4 or Win2000 then this will probably
be called C:\WINNT
Then use the Windows screen properties dialog and select TheMatrix
from the screen saver list. This is acheived by right clicking on
the desktop and selecting ‘Properties’ or by using the Control Panel.
And that’s it!
There is absolutely no warranty of any kind whatsoever, either expressed
or implied on this software. It is provided free and in good faith.
You use it entirely at your own risk.
Copyright and Distribution
This screen saver is the copyright of Philip Symons, Meticulous Software.
All Warner Brothers copyrights acknowledged
This screen saver is Freeware. This means that all users are free to
distribute this screen saver without any restriction provided that it is
distributed entirely unmodified with this accompanying text file.