tweeCin by Negz [Read Me]


r0ckin that 2k3 Vallero Ent 760′ 48
73 commands so far (tweeCin Ver2) Ver 3 Coming So0n
ps. chatscan suckz so deal with it.
«-Aol Commands-»

adv* Advertise program
aoluser? * Gets AOLuSer
aim* connects to aim
cmds* shows commands
clear* Clears Chatroom
dir* show directory list
dl on* turns download Timer on
dl off* turns download Timer off
file* dl / up %
font * pick font for chatsends
handle? * Current handle
/handle * Change Handle
hug+sn *give a hug
ie* connects to IE
ims on * Turn IMs ON
ims off * Turn IMs Off
idle+ reason* go Idle’
mack+sn * bust a macK
menu* shows menu
myinfo* chatsends User Info
noob* {S nul/nul
oltime? * gets oonline time
pcinfo* Get Pc Info
pr*roomName =goes to
rollup* rolls up prog ‘makes smaller
td?* Time & Date
tray * sends prog to sysTray
temp?* Todays and tomarrow Temp
smile* laggs chatroom <NOOB USE
slap+sn* bitch slaps fucker
swelcome * show aol WelcomScreen
xwelc* hide aol WelcomeScreen
xidle* idleOFF
xaol* Closes AOL
x*screenname =ignore
xpc * shuts down comp
yahoo* connects to yahoo msger
unx*screenname =Unignores
exit* Exits Prog

«-Mail Commands-»
mail? * show mail ammount
new* New Mail Open + count
old* Sent Mail Open
sent* OLd Mail Open

«-Color/Font Commands-»

/fface * Font Type
/ascii*NeGz =Sets ascii
/asciic*#c4c4c4 =Sets asciiColor
/fontc*#0000ff =Sets FontColor

«-Mp3 Commands-»

conton* continues playon
contoff* continues playoff
mp3* shows mp3 player
mp3s?* =how many mp3s in folder
p+ song * plays song
n* Plays Next Song
r* =randomsong
ref* refresh list
repon* repeat on
repoff* repeat off
vol+ # *= Sets volume %
—-Must type p+song 4 thes cmds——-
«-Song Selection -»

p+ song * plays song
scroll * scroll list of songs
cancel * cancel selection
sel + song # * plays that song


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