

‘Name: Voltron Kru Stealth Bas
‘File: VK_Stealth.bas
‘Released: 11-19-99
‘Authors: The Voltron Kru
‘Originaly Coded: 2-26-99

‘Purpose: To hide a program from the alt-ctrl-del menu
‘ hiding it from the average user while it is
‘ running.

‘Disclamer: This is a bas file that I never wanted to
‘ release. The power of the next few lines has the
‘ power to change the face of VB trojan programming.
‘ The Voltron Kru does not agree or support the
‘ making or use of trojan programs for a malicious
‘ purpose.

‘Warning: Be smart when using using this code, use your head.

‘More Info: Visit www.VoltronKru.com



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