Huge thanks to Nugem for submitting all these images and documents on the Warez Group Envy.

EnvyISO Members
Nugem . HaCkZ . PhEaRu . Keegin Butt . BUSTED . Mazin . DrangonZ . Blo0Ba11z . Nut GameZ . Wolfbane . 007 . PCMike . Next . DC . Scooby plantholt . aehbon . Nihilist
Envy Greets
DeFt0nEz . Eins . GameZ . WoW . Surge MadKlown . Epiphany Warez . b|aze . Omni Volition . Epiphany . 2600warez . Dow
Envy Graphics by krs

Envy Application
Embrace the Inevitable
Application for Membership
Hello, welcome, and thank you for your interest in becoming an envy member. Please follow these simple guidelines when filling out the application, fill in the application cut paste and send it out to us at JoinEnvyNow@HotMail.Com & JoinEnvy101@Juno.Com we will get back to you very quickly, fill out the application to the best of your knowledge, and please cut out the hacker caps we really hate that. That’s about it thank you again and we hope to see you aboard…
Positions [Please check those you are interested in with an X]
Site Operator
File Server
Bots Master
Software Cracker
Web Artist
Domain Administrator
General information [Please fill out to the best of your knowledge]
How old are you ?
How long have you been using Irc ?
Where do you live and what time frames are you mostly online ?
Would you be able to come to group meetings and rally’s when requested and follow instructions accordingly ?
What are some of your hobbies and interest ?
Have you ever been with any past or previous groups before ? If so who ?
The new millennium is almost here, As the year 2000 approaches how do you think warez in general is headed too is everything going up or down give me your opinion of the whole thing ?
Information [Please fill out to the best of your knowledge]
[Site Operator]
1]Do you have any past or previous history as a site operator ? If so with whom ? If so with whom ?
2] What is your current connection speed ?
3]How much space can you provide ?
4]What hours can you maintain the ftp nonstop ?
5]Are you willing to be a Envy private site only ?
6]Tell me why you would like to join as a site operator ?
[File Server]
1]Do you have any past or previous history as a file server ? If so with whom ?
2]What is your current connection speed ?
3]How long can you upload files on a constant basis ?
4]Are you willing to work on a file per credit basis to gain access to zero day warez ?
5]Are you willing to be an Envy only file server ?
6]Tell me why you would like to join as a file server ?
[Bots master]
1]Do you have any past experience as a bots master ?
2]How many channels do you currently help or hold ?
3]Can you maintain channel envy and others we ask for ? 24hrs a day 7 days a week ?
4]How long have you been doing this for ?
5]Tell me why you would like to serve as a bots master for envy ?
1]What is your current connection speed ?
2]Do you have any past experience with any groups ? If so whom ?
3]What do you like best warez or mp3’s ?
4]How many megs would you say on an average week you could upload ?
5]Do you have experience with compression utillities ex winrar, winzip, winace, etc ?
6]Tell me why you would like to join envy as a uploader ?
1]What is your current experience
2]How many megs a week would you be able to curry to our site each week ?
3]Tell me why you would like to join as a envy courier ?
[Software Cracker]
1]What is your experience ?
2]How long have you been doing this for ?
3]What programs utillities etc do you use to crack applications ?
4]How much time would you be able to invest into working with us per week ?
5]Tell me why you would like to join envy as a cracker ?
[Web Artist]
1]What is your current experience ?
2]What languages do you understand Java, Html, Shockwave, etc ?
3]Do you have any work you can show us ? If so give us example
4]Tell me why you would like to join as a web artist ?
[Domain Administrator]
1]What is your current experience ?
2]What sites do you normally host ?
3]How fast are the sites you host ?
4]How much space is available ?
5]Can you maintain the site up and running 24 hours a day 7 days a week ?
6]Updating is very crucial will you update as necessary ?
7]Tell me why you would like to join envy as a site administrator ?
Okay were all done now please make sure to copy and paste it and send it out as soon as possible to the address’s on top. Catch us in channel Envy on any Efnet server if you have any questions about admissions. Thank you once more…

Envy Auto Tagger

Thanks for preserving the history of all of our friends! We all owe you and defacto2 so much.
everyones gonna know I exist now, though =D