Kilobitez was another old friend that I talked on AIM with back in March 2013 I believe. Kilo was an amazing programmer in visual basic. I recently was looking at his websites through and the stuff he designed back then could compete in 2014. He also helped several people including myself with visual basic, HTML and more.
He also told me that he is still programming, that’s the last I heard from him.
Kilobitez News Section:
Greets Section:
These are most of the people I like to greet. They are in alphabetical order. If I missed you… just tell me and I will add it. If you got removed, you probably know why, so don’t ask me.
acidboy, ae, altar (c0rpze), cyb, dopey, cyke (scsa), ecw, efex, element, force, game, hamz (biggie), hazy, hook, ins, kate, kaze, khz (sparkles), kittie, kjl, lazy, lise, maddog, mykezero, paste, paz, phaze, phuzin, pirax, qa0s, smokey, speed, syn, thug, trip, vincent, xer0, xphyle, yomoto
Kilobitez Software:
July 5th 2003 Layout
CGI-Telnet for IRC I believe.
Old splash logo:
Kilobitez Link Button
Old layout header image:
Other files found on the server:
Kilobitez also created an AOL DragonBall-Z battler more information can be found here:
I can’t remember but I think Acidboy’s real name was Clint. Kilobitez also helped him by hosting his site and creating his artwork for him.