chronic idle² [Read Me]

2014-07-28 22_37_15-commands - Notepad


chronic idle²
[ by: xer ] [ chat commands ] .x & sn: ignore’s someone
.unx & sn: un-ignore’s someone
.imson: turns ims off
.imsoff: turns ims on
.adv: advertises the program
.adv1: advertises the program
.adv2: advertises the program
.jk: tells chat you’re just kidding
.lol: tells chat you’re laughing out loud
.brb: tells chat you will be right back
.kill45: kill’s all popup boxes and kills 45min to.
.comoff: turns off c-com
.comon: turns on c-com
.clear: clears the chat
.time: tell’s the chat room the time
.date: tell’s the chat room the date
.signoff: signs you off of aol
.unload: exit’s chronic idle²


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