GTA’s LiL’ Wicked Comz
I made this help file to help explain the commands.
First, a little about the prog. This was made by me,
gta. It took about a good two weeks, but I was working
on and off with it so that’s why it took so long. I will
probably add more features to this prog. If you have any
suggestions feel free to e-mail me at,
please don’t send mail to my AOL account. I don’t want
it to get filled up. =/
Okay here’s a list of the comz and what they do.
Remember there is NO trigger.
brb – tell the room you will be right back
dir & path – this is used for the mp3 player. For the
path part set it for where you keep your mp3’s like I
would type dir C:\My Music
exit – exits the prog
hide – this hides the i-face
idle & reason – use this for when you are gonna do
something like eat lunch. ex) idle im eating
idleoff – turns off the idler saying that you are back
imson – use this to turn your instant messages on
imsoff – use this to turn your instant messages off
kw & keyword – this is for going to AOL keywords or web
sites ex) kw
lol – tells them room you are laughing out loud
mp3s? – this will tell the chat how many mp3s you have
considering if you set your directory before
newmail – this brings up your new mail
oldmail – this brings up your old mail
pause – this pauses your mp3
play & song – use this to play your mp3s, you only have
to type in part of the song name considering the fact
you set your play say
pr & room – use this to enter a private room
ex) pr progs
sentmail – this opens your sent mail
signoff – use this to sign off AOL and exit the prog
startup – typing this in will give you a message box
asking you if you want to show the i-face when you start
up the prog
stop – this stops your mp3
unpause – if you have a mp3 on pause this will unpause
the mp3
unx & s/n – type unx and part of a persons screen name
to stop ignoring them ex) unx blink
x & s/n – type x and part of a persons screen name
to ignore them ex) x 182
well, thats about it..feel free to e-mail me with any
questions, comments, or suggestions