AOL Pulling

Hi I'am Michael Wilson with AOL's Operation Security department, are you familiar with OpSec? If No: Operations Security is a department that investigates all flaws and problems concerning the PegaReach/Merlin software which is installed on every PC on the AOL internal server.And the reason you're receiving this call today is because someone from your terminal has submitted a problems report using the "PROBLEMS" report option…

represent the almighty whitey cracker high ponce family history i was born on august 23, 1982 in the pimpin' socal town of la mirada, california (where, coincidentally, they made teenage mutant ninja turtle toys). i didn't hang around there for too long because my pops hated the area and wanted to head back to his home state, colorado. when i was 4, we moved from…

Member Directories

Here's a list of old member dir's (mem dir) that I use to respam. prjSEX prj3chr hi9d9s TheEliteOne elight productions BlareNation smut & kei r3t4rd5 d1v1n3 sim3k 0b3s3 spr1te g4mbit 0u5t prjcopied prjBlaze[d] prjWikid.Oens 5wiss sulfur 'n trance m0e 2oo2 sizzer & ice3k omen.mikro xpl0d pahaxor Blade.3k0 TheDarkMasters Kernel32 TheDarkMasterz kw: RainMan 703hacka 404hacka phyre since 97' HackTheNation DeadNation j33t.3k
Updated Invoke Token List

Updated Invoke Token List

There are a TON of duplicates in this….. if you have a shitload of tokens and invokes that arent mixed up and no duplicates then send em to


32-324       – Brings you to Programmers University

32-301       – Adds another mailbox to your toolz

32-987       – Software upgrade for master aol. (OH)

32-5046     –  chat room stuff

32-2327     – An Easter Egg.  Only 1 of many on AOL

32-2342     – NEA on-line

32-2405     – Test Internet Style Mail

32-2411     – Set your version of AOL

32-25         – DL manager window

32-252       – Create a screen name

32-253       – Create alternate screen name

32-254       – Delete a screen name

AOL Invoke List

32-000105 – Create PUBLIC Room
32-002185 – The SPAM Area (Link to ARC)
32-002326 – The America Online Guide Area (JADE)
32-002411 – Change Software Version Numbers
40-005060 – Sales and Service Forum
40-009366 – Request-O-Rama
40-011549 – TOS Area (Detailed
32-000029 – Blank Mail (NF)
32-000030 – Update Welcome screen
32-000040 – Catch Hidden (NF)
32-000056 – Continue? (NF)
32-000105 – Create PUBLIC Room
32-000158 – On Stage Screen (NF)
32-000270 – Untitled Auditorium (NF)
32-000274 – Blank IM
32-000292 – Network News (NF)
32-000295 – Covers buttons
32-000296 – Uncovers Buttons
32-000300 – End of Account (NF)
32-000350 – Works for Macs
32-000351 – Microsoft Stuff
32-000754 – Send Question (NF)
32-001612 – Mercury Sign-On Screen

Inside Warez Part #2

Inside Warez Part #2

Subj:      Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 15:22:40 EDT

From:     SPYER2000

To:          BeAwareX1



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 14:36:05 EDT

From:     BuBBLe HoP


«–¥(TRauMaTiZeD MassMailer²·º ßy: ßaNiCKuLa)¥–»

«–¥(This one is Dedicated to TaSHa, BaNiCKuLa’s True Love!)¥–»

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