Freezing Color Profiles

Date 2000Founded UnknownSubmitted By PHATSource Archive Color and elite profiles are still very popular today, almost every teenager with AOL has “elite” colors in their profile. Color profiles started out as normal HTML…

DED Screen Names Regular

Date 2000Founded Rikky?Submitted By Tau and Pure (who submitted similar information)Source Archive Dead, aka “ded”, screen names are screen names that can be accessed even though they technically belong to no account. The…

AIM Punt String

Date 2000Founded unknownSubmitted By PHATSource Archive AIMers were able to be punted offline with ease. The trick was simple enough. Send the AIM victim an Instant Message with the message &.#770;. The user…

CL Pin Cracking

Date July 2000Founded Chris, Nore and Hyrdro – Updated 2.8.01Submitted By Contributed By: Tau Correction: Nore and HydroSource Archive This exploit allowed CL pin numbers to be cracked via an AOL web site.…

Restricted Suffix Screen Names

Date December 10, 2000Founded EvergraceSubmitted By O0O and rogersSource Archive AOL added a new feature to the kw: Names sub-account creation proccess. If a screen name you wanted was unavailable a form would…

The “Aa” Token Platform Trick

Date Early 2000Founded HypahSubmitted By O0OSource Archive Using a scanner program Hypah looked through all the various language codes searching for any wierd responses. Using this scanner he was able to find several…

Sending Blank IMs

Date 1997Founded UnknownSubmitted By CJSource Archive This ‘exploit’ allowed users to send completely blank IMs, which also removed the screen name of the sender from the IM window. This trick was used by…

Mac Screen Name Cloning

Date 1997Founded Tang, LyriX and othersSubmitted By HypahSource Archive In 1997, people in macfilez saw Tang, LyriX, and others get 23 copies of the exact same screen name in one room. Quite simple,…

PC Client Cloning

Date 1997 it could be done using AOL 3.0 32-bit and later using 4.0 and 2.5Founded VariousSubmitted By TauSource Archive Cloning, as it has come to be called, is the process of signing onto…