AOL Instant Messenger RIP 10/6/2017
It’s the end of an online era … AOL is officially ending AIM. “We’ve made the decision that we will be discontinuing AIM effective December 15, 2017,” a rep for…
Cow Pasture #1
FuCkeRH0sT: *** You are in “Cow Pasture”. *** FuCkeRH0sT: FuCkeRH0sT: ZzzZZvVvVv has entered the room. FuCkeRH0sT: Gendronsux has entered the room. Whoohah2: Guide PLEASE send me the guide app.! AMAYOYO:…
Forever 1.7 (Read Me)
Forever V1.7 was made by Flake for the MP3 Group ‘Forever’. This version was created Sept-3-99 If there are any BUGs or Suggestions email me at ( The Flake Homepage…
Inside Warez Part 1
Subj: Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º Date: 97-07-27 15:21:53 EDT From: SPYER2000 To: BeAwareX1 Forwarded Message: Subj: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º Date: …