

AOL Stands for “American Offline,” and is sometimes referred to as “AOHell“, “gAyOL”,”LOL”, or “my shitty internets.” It’s one of the last surviving online services from the pre-home internet days,…



aol progz… a digital throw back to AOL, 1995. one of the main reasons that i decided to recreate my digital5k.com website was the constant memories of the AOL progz…

AOL Server tcl Compiler Exploit

Date Fall 1998Founded AlanSubmitted By O0OSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive AOL’s network is made up of hundreds of Unix boxes which all run the same server software written by AOL called “AOL Server”. Alan found an…

Chat Con/Con Punt

Date 2000Founded unknownSubmitted By Contributed By: PHAT Addition:ScSaSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive The Con/Con punt is actually a Windows exploit that can done through AOL. It only affects users in chatrooms with their sounds turned on.…

Quick Checkout Loophole

Date Late 2000Founded TauSubmitted By TauSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive “AOL Quick Checkout allows you to store credit card and shipping information at a secure site on AOL’s computers. That way, when you’re shopping at merchants…

CL Pin Cracking

Date July 2000Founded Chris, Nore and Hyrdro – Updated 2.8.01Submitted By Contributed By: Tau Correction: Nore and HydroSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive This exploit allowed CL pin numbers to be cracked via an AOL web site.…

Signing onto Suspended AIM Names

Date Date: Fall 2000Founded UnknownSubmitted By GLSource AOL-Files.com/FDO-Files.com Archive Occasionaly the certain parts of the AIM server would go down which allowed suspended AIMs to be signed onto. An easy way to tell if…