AOL Create Voice Mail
America Online Create Voice E-Mail
Wow, it’s been awhile since my last rant, 6 years to be exact. The amount of feedback and submissions I receive from everyone is amazing. Honestly though I’ve never thought…
‘This Bas Is For Aol40 Thanx To Alot Of The Bases‘That I Used To Make This‘Some Stuff In This Bas Is From Me‘I Am Not Sure If Everything Works Mostley…
‘ Sup PerSoN usin my AOL 4.0bas. This is a start for all‘ you people lookin to write yer own AOL 4.0 prog. It’s‘ got a few of the basic…
‘SUp people-Thanks For Choosing Har0’s BAS‘This BAS IS FOR AOL3, AOL95, AOL4.0‘Since i do not believe in copying CODES i made my own‘I think that this bas KICKS ASS!‘There is…
This is the first fader.bas ever made I would like tothank GeM3,JoLt, and Insanity for the filez that helpedput this together alot of things I took fromthem and edited and…
‘Dedicated To LorD DriZz‘This Bas is For Aol40‘If you dont Know Who I am….Your Ass Better Call Somebody!‘You Better Fuckin Realize.‘ -CaPRe
The Phone Punx Network Presents –Phone Punx Magazine– —-Issue three—- “We are the phony in telephony” November 07, 1999 Last Updated: November 07, 1999 (Mirror: Contents ~Intro…