x2xr v1.06.03 · AOL 4.0/5.0 Chat Room Tool · Vegeta
With an x’er this good, why bother with anything else?
* Auto ignore using real-time prevents scrollers from pissing you off
* Phrase ignore stops the beggers from becomming a bother
* Chat logger helps you never miss a message while x’ing losers
* All operator lets you talk to your friends, and ONLY your friends
* Customizable Chat Commands so you never have to view the commands
* IM Ignore permently keeps losers away from you
* Exclude names provides max. protection from lamers, while not x’ing your friends
* Perm-x ignores people as soon as they talk, so you dont have to deal with them
* One bad-ass Iface that will make you forgot its an AOL Addon
x2xr is a copyright of x2 programming, and is protected by the US government from
pathitic code stealing losers. x2 Programming and all associated names are
copyrights and/or trademarks of their respected companies.
¤ x2xr v1.06.03 – Bug Fix list
–Fixed from 1.06.02
* Possibly fixed start-up illegal operation with kernel32.dll
* Changed version format
* ?stop (Room Buster Command) now works
* Fixed bug which hung the computer when writing mail and auto x is triggerd
–Fixed from 1.05.00
* ** Fixed the ever-so-popular bug that added nullstring to trigger phrases when
no phrases were present **
* Most of the SendChats can be disabled now
* Added the ‘silent’ parameter, x’s/unx’s people without confermation
* Added Real-Time counter to stop many ‘dangerous’ loops
* Added better excluding chat commands.
* Fixed IM Ignore commands
* IM Ignore no longer uses the $IMS_OFF, $SN, instead it adds them to the ignore list.
* If you know how to use regedit you can change the default ignore/unignore reasons
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\x2xr\Random Ignore[UnIgnore])
* Removed all 1.00.04 and previous IFace data. It was ugly.
* When removing a name/word, the name re-appears in the top, but highlighted
* All name/word lists are now orginized by letter
* When Adding a name/word, the list sets focus on the word, instead of the last item
* Fixed room buster, stop command now works
* Recoded Ignore, Unignore, Exclude, and Status function; now faster and more reliable
* Added PermX (And PermUnx)
* Added UnExclude
* Exclude Names dialog has a new, better looking Iface
* Exclude Names Listbox is now bigger
* Fixed a few bugs with the room buster
* Removed Case Sensitive option from phrase trigger; it wasnt really useful
* Found and removed a few endless loops
–Fixed from 1.04.00
* Fixed bug which added nullstring words to ignore list
* Added a function to prevent the use of ‘ALL’ when excluding and getting status
* Added chat logger
* Added one bad ass room buster
* Moved location of words and excluded names
* Removed ugly message boxes
* Added hidden area….nothing there yet tho
* Fixed a few bugs with VegChat.AXC
* Started “?autox” and “?permx” commands **UNFINISHED** (Shouts to Pause for the idea)
* Ignore/Unignore all no longer counts all names, only those ignored/unignored
* Ignore no longer ignores those who are excluded
* When running 1.00.05, it loads the new settings without deleting phrases or names
* Commands.ini can now hold 99 commands, which wil be put to use later
* Commands.ini is now shiped with the exe
* New, better looking IFace
* New font used on IFace
–Fixed from 1.03.00
* Fixed bug which prevented saving
* Added a few chatcom error preventions
* Converted commands to an INI (which can be edited)
* String not found error more discriptive
* Commands now only get a specific number of characters
* Added a function to prevent excluding someone twice
* Added a function to prevent adding 2 of the same word to the database
* Added more commands (Check commands.ini)
* String search now excludes spaces (e.g. The 5 3 3 Style is recognized as The533Style)
* Fixed bug which cause errors when running a old version, followed by a new version
* Added a function that prevents additional instances of x2xr to be run
* Exclude function now unignores and adds to exclude menu
* Loading now takes place when buttons are pressed and on load
* Fixed bug which caused some words to be recognized as a null string (e.g. “”)
* Word Ignore is now Phrase Ignore, and spaces can be typed
* Fixed a few errors that occured when no chat room was visible
* Ignore and Unignore no longer scroll after 3 people
–Fixed from 1.02.00
* Fixed bug which caused errors to users with previous 1.00.xx versions
* Added function to prevent word ignore from triggering from another
event of this program
* Added function to prevent user from loading more then 1 x2xr at a time
–Fixed from 1.01.00
* Fixed ignore timing, which was off by about 3/10 of a second
* Added Exclude Names
* Fixed Byte Trigger bug
* Fixed a few typos
* Removed spaces from SN and Ignore strings when ignoing
* Removed a few more loops
–Fixed from 0.50.04
* I made a 0.50 build 4?
–Fixed from 0.50.03
* Changed Line ignore to Real-Time
* Added Word Ignore
* Added Byte Trigger
* Added Line Trigger
* Changed Iface a bit
* Allowed user to change ignore/unignore phrases
–Fixed from 0.50.02
* Changed Line triggering a bit
* Added settings menu
* Added better ignore phrases
* Removed even more loops
–Fixed from 0.50.01
* Finished up Line Ignore
* Fixed up ignoreing a bit
* Removed some endless loops
¤ x2xr v1.00.06 – FAQ List
Welcome to the fun little text document I created to
effectivly waste your time and mine.
Ok, Actually, I made this so you people reading and
using my prog(s), know why, or why not something
works the way it does. Sometimes I’ll even answer a
few popular questions.
As far as the requested options / features goes, I
may add a new option if it gets enough votes, and a
decient reason stating why it would be useful.
Remember, I dont like being IMed, and if you take
the time to get my screen name, and IM me, telling
me what yo do, its likly ill take the time to type
“?imsoff” and totaly ignore what you said.
* None Quite Yet…
=————Requested Options / Features————=
If you have a request…
=- x2Vegeta@hotmail.com -=
=- New Feature Ballot -=
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= New Option/Feature: __________________________ =
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= What It Does: __________________________ =
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= Reason I should add it: __________________________ =
= __________________________ =
= __________________________ =
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= Your Handle: __________________________ =
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= Your Email: __________________________ =
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