AOL Keywords and Backdoors

Subj:      ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²(Aol Secret Keywords & Back Doors)

Date:      97-07-17 17:03:05 EDT

From:     AlphaLocks

To:          BeAwareX1


–•´)´)´)•– Soylent Green Warez Server v4.32 by Elroy –•(`(`(`•–

–•´)´)´)•– Download the latest copy here! –•(`(`(`•–

Mail Index Number: 205


Forwarded Message:

Subj:      ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²(Aol Secret Keywords & Back Doors)

Date:      97-07-08 16:49:10 EDT

From:     MisterDenn



__________________ _______________ ____________/           /¯¯¯¯¯|

|¯¯¯¯|         |¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                  |        |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|\          \    / ¯¯¯¯/| ™

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|        |____|       /|       |__|       |___|         ¯¯¯¯¯|      \/                \  /

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| ____|    | ____|¯|____|   |____ |     | __________|  |         |  /\  |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

«—•¤[ Fate X³ ßy MaGuS & FuNGii ]¤•—»                  |_____|/    \|__________|

«—•¤[ Mail 2 of 26 ]¤•—»

«—•¤[ 7% Transfered ]¤•—»




Forwarded Message:

Subj:      ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²(Aol Secret Keywords & Back Doors)

Date:      97-07-08 15:31:18 EDT

From:     NUMBER1TD

To:          DiEHaRd29, Mrpoke6969, JAZZRock22, MrHaPpY Gi

To:          Adidaslv, Dead4Lyfe, AMAZINMAN, RaNgEr1599

To:          MisterDenn, Alikhan789, AirWalkqt, Lightshow1

To:          XxAciD3DxX, RaZoRLuV, Guito0O0, OuTkAsT371




Forwarded Message:

Subj:      ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²(Aol Secret Keywords & Back Doors)

Date:      97-07-08 15:07:24 EDT

From:     NUMBER1TD

To:          NUMBER1TD




//¯ ¯\      \¯ ¯ ¯ \\

//       \      \        \\

|         \       \         \                       l    \/ \   \ / \   \

|\          \       |        |                       l    l   l   l    l   l

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|    \                     / I                       l\__\  l\__\   l\__\

\   |                     |  |                       l l    l l l    l   l l    l

\ |                     |/  nderGround  \l    l  \l    l    \l    l aFia

¯¯¯     ¯¯     ¯¯¯ TAG BY: {]}\{[}ümþë®1†d



!~DieHard29~!     !~MrPoke6969~!








°Head of Operationz°





!~XxAciD3DxX~!       !~JazzRock22~!




!~MrHaPpY Gi~!          !~AirWalkqt~!





!~Guito~!                   !~MisterDenn~!

!~Merdeka88~!         !~Adidaslv~!           !~Dead4Lyfe~!

!~AMAZINMAN~!          !~RaNgEr1599~!





!~JAZZrock22~!        !~RaZoRLuV~!




!~RaZoRLuV~!       !~Outkast371~!


°Virri Creator°



°Web Designer+Macros°


!~Alikhan789~!          !~AirWalkqt~!



  • §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§








Currently all positions are open for Membership We are especially

looking FoR Macro Designerz that can create some phat macros for our

TaG and Uploaderz that can upload atleast 50 Megz a WeeK..iF you cant

meet me those requirments dont bother applying





« A l l i e s »



D.U.K.    &     W.o.G.



« U p l o a d  I n f o »


¤-¤ Product Name: Aol Secret Keywords & Back Doors

¤-¤ Releasing Group: ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²

¤-¤ Uploaded By: #1 TOP DAWG

¤-¤ Virri: Hell No ! ! !

¤-¤ Password: None

¤-¤ Installation notes: None

¤-¤ Scanned with: Not Applicable

¤-¤ Date released: 7-5-97

¤-¤ Release Notes: All these don’t work for everyone they only work for some people. Its all the luck of the draw.

¤-¤ Other notes: Check it out at the bottom of the page


« D i s c l a i m e r »


The ²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»² Distributes software so that you can be givin the

chance to evaluate the product Before purchasing it..if you like the product then Buy

it otherwise delete the software from your computer..²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»²

will not be held responsible if you do not comply with these terms Nor will

²«UnderGround»²²«MaFia»² Be responsible for any damage to you computer in

result of downloading this software.

  • §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§


¥~~Enjoy your WaReZ!!~~¥

¥~~If you have any questions,requests,Problems concerning our uploads or would like an application to join you u can e-mail us by clicking  HERE~~¥





Secret Keywords

Keyword: Green

Keyword: Jack

Keyword: Nutz


Secret Back Doors

About Special Affinity/Account Groups: aol://4344:223.affingrp.89731.481585326

aol://4344:409.secrets.6553845.498835541 = normal

AOL Gateways: aol://4344:1186.Gateway.3685343.498065448

AOL 4.0 Beta: aol://4344:1095.aol4grpB.9439194.539046976

AOL pointers newstand: aol://4344:559.newslet.4129994.494194276

Anime Cafe: aol://

April Promo Codes: aol://4344:223.aprilpr.96692.512240264

ARC: aol://4344:666.arcform.860809.504463074 = normal

Art Shop: aol://1722:testview

Canadian Software: aol://4344:223.canad2.6602532.512279521

CNN: aol://4344:223.cnn.89754.481594657

Conference Room Backdoors: aol://4344:243.mainconf.5964915.500442609

Community Center: aol://4344:1186.comcen.3683158.490570698

Computing Channel Internet: aol://4344:1454.comp_cha.3407965.483568458

DEMO Accounts: aol://4344:223.demo.89755.481594657

Did You Know???: aol://4344:223.helpdocs.84876.494254534

“Examine Object Info” window had a heart icon in its window: aol://1722:eoiSecurity

Forms: aol://4344:1.formscat.71914.474386750 = normal

Guide Conf Room: aol://4344:1186.ConfRms.3685342.498065107

Guide Libaries: aol://4344:1186.ResLib.3685341.498053484

Guide Program: aol://

Guide Rainman: aol://

Help Wanted Listings: aol://4344:204.cvnlist.6599353.515310995

Host/IP list: aol://4344:204.rslists.67146.468717561

Index by Forum Name: aol://4344:204.cdinf.79776.495161900

Info on The Americaonline Service: aol://4344:666.userinfo.860961.505079464

In The Soup: aol://2719:3-600

Legal Pad: aol://2719:3-599

Marketing Info: aol://4344:223.markting.6558102.500754022

OH account: aol://4344:20.oh1te.92384.497065962

Panal: aol://4344:226.llIl.2755674.520114429

Promotion Codes: aol://4344:223.promocd.6558384.500850050

Rainman Cmds: aol://4344:1.rmc.70682.473023645 = normal

Random: aol://1722:random

Search Stuff: aol://4344:204.z66proj2.1845884.505890733

Special Account Descriptions: aol://4344:223.specacct.89721.481584812

Special Acnts: aol://4344:223.specacct.89721.481584812

S&S Policy: aol://4344:223.pnp.91463.482279948

TLA app: aol://4344:20.tlaapp1.125506.492637725

TV Today Chat: aol://2719:3-602

Visual Publisher for WIndows: aol://4344:1.vis_pubw.72126.491927210

Vogel Verlag: aol://2719:3-524

WebRequest: aol://1391:40-31999


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